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does you can trade pokemon from R/S/F/L in the begging of the game?


does you can trade pokemon from R/S/F/L to XD in the begging of the game?

Poke Freak

1. Double posting is a bad thing, there's an edit button that's right next to the quote button, use it if you made a mistake in your post.

2. No, I beleive that you must beat both Cypher's boss in XD and the Elite 4 in other game you want to trade from to trade pokemon.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
and don't double post the same question

the Q in FAQ stands for Question

and you have to wait til you beat Greevil before you can trade in XD, and you can only trade purified or non shadow pokemon, and the E4 in a pokemon GBA game, but not R/S I think


Yep, take down Greevil and you're fine. You'll also need to satisfy the necessary conditions for trading with other games in the GBA games as well. Link up from Phenac PokeCenter.


Well-Known Member
As was said, you must beat Greevil on XD, and the E4 in FR/LG/E. R/S, however, doesn't need to have the elite 4 beaten in order to trade with it, so you can trade right from the beginning.
Also remember that eggs cannot be traded to XD
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