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Well-Known Member
What is under jynx's dress? In one anime episode, she had feet. In XD and Colloseum ther was just air if you viewed her. What do you think.


Sea Ruby Trainer
Does it matter, I mean if thats the case then what does Marowak look like without the skull or does Diglett and Dugtrio have legs and feet.
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Super Coordinator
Does it matter, I mean if thats the case then what does Marowak look like without the skull or does Diglett and Dugtrio have feet.

Cubone and Marowak would most likely have a head similar in shape to the skull they wear, since the skulls apparently belong to their species.

Diglett and Dugtrio probably have feet and claws since they are called mole pokemon by the pokedex and can use attacks such as scratch and slash. As to their exact appearance, though, we'll probably never know...

As for the Jynx, though...who really cares? >.> Maybe it has feet but kinda levitates or something in the colloseum games? >.>


What's always bothered me is how Cubone/Marowak can fit in those skulls if skulls are smaller than their heads...
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