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Questions About Game Boy Advance Connections...

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Beginning Trainer
Hi. I just got the game and am planning on getting a gamecube-gameboy advance cable to connect with my gba sp so that after i finish the story I can put the Pokemon onto my game. I was just wondering if many people have had connection problems that caused errors with their gameboy save file using Pokemon XD. If so, will it just go back to the backup save file? And do you follow the instructions in the handbook in case your save file gets corrupted? Thanks. I just don't want all my hard work in Emerald to go to waste.


Dynamo Trainer
I haven't had any problems during a trade, but I'm certain the occur. If a link error does occur, and your save file is corrupted, you will not be able to attempt another trade until you restart your GBA game from the last successful save and then save again. This will clear the corrupted file and replace the backup with a successful save, so you don't have to worry about your saved game becoming permanently corrupted. A similar check and balance system is used to save the XD game to your GameCube memory card to ensure that you won't lose your save information unless something physically damages your game pak or memory card.


one love
Also, if you are using a fake catridge, beware. Linking it up to XD will cause XD to expunge the record on that cartridge.


Well-Known Member
If there is a so-called "link error", it's usually your own fault anyway...like, you didn't put one end in all the way, or someone tripped over the cord and unplugged it, stupid stuff like that. Just pay attention to what you're doing and use common sense, you'll be fine.
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