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Questions about the Spin Slash TM


Well-Known Member
I think there's only a few Pokemon that can learn Spin Slash.

I don't know what Pokemon can learn Spin Slash.

If you seen (a) Pokemon that can learn Spin Slash, then tell me what the Pokemon is/are.


Well-Known Member
ye he probably means Wide Slash cause i don't think there is such a thing


Well-Known Member
Wide Slash and Vacuum-Cut are inclusive TMs.
Excavate and Spin Slash are exclusive TMs.
I almost guarantee there's no way to find them or teach them to any Pokemon. Take my word for that.


Well-Known Member
Try things that naturally learn Slash, then, and have claws or something to the effect, or have you? Persian, Kabutops, Absol, Sneasel, Zangoose, etc.?


i found them. ._. i thought it to my blastoise.