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Questions regarding lots of legendarys.

draco draco

Jade Star Trainer
As you can have guessed, i got problems with the legendarys. heres some questions:

do i need to have the music box in my inventory, or do i need to use it, THEN search for mew?.

How do i recruit it lol :)? ive tried to slay whole the dungeon with only a zapdos, but i didnt get it, and i thought it were because its body size were to big, even though i only used 1 pokemon, wich body size must be 2, as i can have both swarmpert and sceptile with me too.

Ive already got zapdos from MT. thunder, and moltres from MT. fire (W/E its spelled), but when i tried to get to MT. Ice, for finding articuno, no one were at the summit! what happned?.

The regis:
How do i recruit these? ive slaid them all 3 times each, with only taking swarmpert and sceptile, so i should have enugh space! but they wont follow me :).

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Um, Articuno isn't at MT Ice, He at Frosty Forest (And there no such thing as Mt Ice, I think it's Mt Freeze)

I don't know about Kyogre, I am currently trying to get him too, but even when I send the others back on the last floor and battle Kyoggre alone he still won't come.

draco draco

Jade Star Trainer
I'm a lil dizzy this morning, but u got the point about mt freeze and ice lol.. couldnt remember the real name, and can u send your team back :O? i didnt know that LOL!!
Well, that should get me articuno then. MANY THANKS!!


Well-Known Member
Do NOT use the Music Box. Just keep it in your toolbox and Mew will come in any of he floors between floor 36 to floor 98. When it comes, there is no signal given, so you have to keep looking at the dialog box. There it will say that Mew transformed or Mew pick up an item. Mew can also come in Monster Houses.

Kyogre has a body size of 4 Stars nad it has 50% recruit rate. So your team can only have a total of two stars. Bringing Swampert and Sceptile alone will be fine.

Finally, the Regis.
Level 18
recruit rate: 0.1% (having Rock Parts increases recruit rate slightly)

Level 23
recruit rate: 0.1% (having Ice Parts increases recruit rate slightly)

Level 25
recruit rate: 0.1% (having Steel Parts increases recruit rate slightly)

Must have Friend Area Ancient Relic

draco draco

Jade Star Trainer
ok, thanks! so, how much body size does zapdos have? because i dont think i can complete the dungeon with sceptile and swarmpert, those spheals and sealoe's is a PEST!


Coral Eye Trainer
Do NOT use the Music Box. Just keep it in your toolbox and Mew will come in any of he floors between floor 36 to floor 98.

The first time I went to Buried Relic, I used the Music Box.
D'oh. Stupidest thing I did.
I escaped the dungeon with an Orb & re-did the Regi part to get it again. *sigh*

Just a question:
To get Kyogre's Friend Area, what missions/how long do you have to wait or however for Wigglytuff to start selling the Friend Area(s)? :\

draco draco

Jade Star Trainer
you do need to talk with lombre about his episode were he nearly "drowned" in the sea, then u shall talk with the wishcash,and you get HM dive, and you can go there ;).


Coral Eye Trainer
you do need to talk with lombre about his episode were he nearly "drowned" in the sea, then u shall talk with the wishcash,and you get HM dive, and you can go there ;).

Kyogre's Friend Area, hehe.


Well-Known Member
Groudon- about 7 tries with Raikou Lv. 100 + Friend Bow

Rayquaza- about 6 tries with Raikou Lv. 100 + Friend Bow

Deoxys- about 5 tries with Raikou Lv. 100 + Friend Bow


Well-Known Member
To recruit Pokemon Easier, use the Easy Recruit Cheat Code:
0FC7D476AC6B 97978AF6722B <- This code can only be used with GameShark.
:O You can't give out cheat codes on this site.


Well-Known Member

Zapdos is at Mt. Thunder,
Moltres is at Mt. Blaze,
Articuno is at the Frosty Forest,
Groudon is at the Magma Cavern,
Rayquaza is at the Sky Tower,
Kyogre is at the Stormy Sea,
Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Mew are at the Buried Relic.
After you rescued Latias, she and her brother Latios will join you.
Entei is at the Fire Field,
Raikou is at the Lightning Field,
Suicune is at the Northwind Field,
Ho-Oh is at Mt. Faraway,
Deoxys is at the Meteor Cave,
Lugia is at the Silver Trench,
Mewtwo is at the Western Cave,
Jirachi is at the Wish Cave,
Celebi is at the Purity Forest.

Now you know where to find them.


Well-Known Member
Being at a certain level increases a Pokemon's recruit rate.
Level Boost
0-29 0%
30-39 5%
40-49 7.5%
50-59 10%
60-69 12.5%
70-79 15%
80-89 17.5%
90-100 24%


PokeMon Professor
If you have a Friend Bow, Kyogre will almost certainly join you. I only had Swampert with me when I faced him the first time, and he joined me.


PokeMon Professor
Like I said, with a Friend Bow, it's like a 90% chance of recruitment. You have to be VERY unlucky not to get him (and I know about unlucky).