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Questshipping General Discussion

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Hello everyone!
You have stumbled onto the unofficial 'Questshipping Thread'!

Questshipping is basically the pairing of Kenta/Yoshi and Marina/Dani, the hero and heroine of Pokemon Crystal (Kenta's in Gold/Silver too). It would be Mangaquestshipping if you're talking about Gold and Crystal.

You can post images, links to fansites, and talk about anything related to Questshipping.

Here are the rules:

1) No spamming.
2) No adult material!
3) Please don't start any fights.
4) Do not post fanfiction here.
5) No bashing - shipping or character.
6) Please do not advertise websites/forums of any kind.

I think that's all . . .
Happy discussions! ^_^
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Battle Pyramid Champion

I support questshipping, too.

I should have been the one to make this thread, too . . . ;_;.

Anyway, yeah. I haven't seen the specials for GSC yet. I hope I will someday. Marina is kind of popular in Japan, BTW. ^^


I haven't seen it before either (it doesn't sell here). But I've read the episode guide on Serebii.NET and I think they have a thing for eachother.

Does anyone else besides me think that the Totodile and Cyndaquil in the first Johto episode were going to be Kenta and Marina's??


Well-Known Member
Hurray! Finally! A Questshipping thread! ^^ I support it. *nods* And I haven't seen them in the anime either Kamairie, but they make a cute couple. I also read the special at Serebii.net

They do seem to like each other. :)


You'd think that Marina may have a crush on Lance. But then again, he's practically an idol to her.

That bit when Kenta asked if Marina was okay after falling on Jackson's back? She didn't actually take notice of Jackson, and just thanked Kenta. Isn't that strange . . .? Ho hum . . .


Battle Pyramid Champion
I consider all hints to be official ^_^. Just joking.

Anyway, I know for sure that Kenta has a Cyndaquil. I'm not to familiar with the pokemon they have though, but Chikorita is the best pokemon for Marina. Then Totodile for Kamon.


aNmIeAzNgUrLLH said:
Anyway, I know for sure that Kenta has a Cyndaquil. I'm not to familiar with the pokemon they have though, but Chikorita is the best pokemon for Marina. Then Totodile for Kamon.

Who's Kamon, is it Silver? Is Silver even in the Anime?


What episode was that pic from?
So is his English name Kamon?
I thought Hiro was Kenta . . . but then again, Yoshi is his Japanese name.


Battle Pyramid Champion
o_O You're confusing me. This is what I believe.





I have heard somewhere that Hiro is Gold, but I don't believe that. Gold is already Kenta.


I also support Questshipping! It's my favorite shipping. Gold and Crystal are obviously so meant for each other! ^-^


MellowBum--> That's great!! We have another supporter!

LH--> Isn't Kenta and Marina, Gold and Crystal's English names? Marina is an English name, LH. This Hiro stuff is confusing me . . .


Well-Known Member
o_o; You all have been confusing me...

But I support Questshipping like all of you guys. ^^ I think they look cute together, and Kenta seemed to be jealous when Dani was rubbing her cheek against the pouch-thingy. -ahem- And in Mangaquestshipping, there's many, many people who support that too. ^^


Hey! Kyoto's here!

Kyoto-Chan said:
But I support Questshipping like all of you guys. ^^ I think they look cute together, and Kenta seemed to be jealous when Dani was rubbing her cheek against the pouch-thingy. -ahem- And in Mangaquestshipping, there's many, many people who support that too. ^^

I haven't actually read the Manga either, eheh . . . ^^;
It doesn't get sold here where I live.


Well-Known Member
Kamairie-- Hey, you're not alone. >_< Why oh why did Viz have to stop translating the manga over here?

But I think Mangaquestshipping is quite cute...even if I haven't read it. But Gold keeps flirting with the girls, from what I've heard...^^;


I heard that Gold checks Blue out in the Manga. O_O
Creepy . . .
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Hmm, I'll be sure to read some summaries on Serebii . . .

Buttshipping, that sounds gross . . .
Does the Kanto crew meet the Johto people?! Cool!


Property of Jesus
Sorry to but in guys, but I got to clear something up.

Silver only appeared in the opening of the Raikou special and he WAS NOT given a name. Kamon was one of the Japanese default names you could use for him in G/S/C. Hiro was one of the English default names given to Gold.

EDIT: Also, aNiMe, Gold didn't touch Blue's butt by mistake. He did it on purpose while saying "Who's this sexy lady?"
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