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"Quick" Question?

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Thunder Trainer
Okay, I've been reading through the FAQs and the main site for about a week now, and still haven't found an answer to my question...Now, at the moment, I'm not sure if I have overlooked anything, but alas...sleep is claiming me once again..so I'll be brief....

I know that it is possible to control the natures of one's pogey via using an everstone on the mother with the desired nature, but if one has multiple abilities , such as Cubone, would I be able to control that as well? I've been trying to breed a decent Marowak with Rock Head, and I must've bred about 25-30, only 2 of those had Rock Head, and their natures...decreased attack, and for Marowak, that's a very bad thing....

Is there anyway to control abilities as well as natures, or am I to be continuously plagued with bad luck? Thankies in advance^_^


Feather Trainer
Diamond said:
Okay, I've been reading through the FAQs and the main site for about a week now, and still haven't found an answer to my question...Now, at the moment, I'm not sure if I have overlooked anything, but alas...sleep is claiming me once again..so I'll be brief....

I know that it is possible to control the natures of one's pogey via using an everstone on the mother with the desired nature, but if one has multiple abilities , such as Cubone, would I be able to control that as well? I've been trying to breed a decent Marowak with Rock Head, and I must've bred about 25-30, only 2 of those had Rock Head, and their natures...decreased attack, and for Marowak, that's a very bad thing....

Is there anyway to control abilities as well as natures, or am I to be continuously plagued with bad luck? Thankies in advance^_^

What version are you playing? I hope it's not emerald, because the feature you're talking about-- it only works on the emerald version, well, maybe not the ability part of it, provided that you're lucky-- it's a 30% chance, meaning an unlikely chance, of it working... If it is emerald, then you're unlucky, Diamond...

EDIT: And since this a question that could've been already answered in a sticky...

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Thunder Trainer
Yup, I'm playing Emerald...so abilities are affected in the same way as natures?

...er...crap...then maybe I am just unlucky...but I should lay off of the Cubones for now anyway...I have to do some more cross breeding with some of my other favorites to keep me occupied...It's quite fun, actually...

At any rate, thanks for your help...and er...which sticky could I have posted this in? I don't recall any...
Nope. You can only have a 50% chance of passing the mother's Nature in Emerald. Pokémon with 2 Abilities remain with a 50% chance of getting either Ability... :(


Feather Trainer
Diamond said:
Yup, I'm playing Emerald...so abilities are affected in the same way as natures?

...er...crap...then maybe I am just unlucky...but I should lay off of the Cubones for now anyway...I have to do some more cross breeding with some of my other favorites to keep me occupied...It's quite fun, actually...

At any rate, thanks for your help...and er...which sticky could I have posted this in? I don't recall any...

You could've posted this in the breeding/egg move chains sticky in the fr/lg discussion, because the breeding part involves all of the 3rd gen because breeding pokemon is an intergame concept, meaning all the 3rd-gen pokemon games that feature the breeding feature have the same concepts, but different pokemon available to capture w/o the need to trade...
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