LF: Master Ball
I know a Master Ball is a bigger ask in BDSP than ones like SV, so I'm willing to trade several of these non-shiny pokemon for one if it so pleases you.
FT (None have HA):
Bulbasaur - Timid Nature, 6IV or 5IV with 0 in attack, either gender, in a Friend Ball
Totodile - Jolly Nature, 6IV or 5IV with 0 in attack, either gender, in a Heavy Ball
Torchic - Adamant Nature, 6IV or 5IV with 0 in attack, either gender, in a Fast Ball
Eevee - Calm Nature, 6IV or 5IV with 0 in attack, either gender, in a Moon Ball
These are relatively standard, but in Apricorn Balls, so if you want a quick start on shiny hunting those ones, this is for you.
Shinies (no specific stats or Apricorn Balls, no HA):
Chansey - Docile Nature, Female, Heal Ball
Starly - Timid Nature, Female, normal Poke Ball
Numel - Docile Nature, Male, Dusk Ball
Mankey - Impish Nature, Female, normal Poke Ball
Misdreavus - Relaxed Nature, Male, Strange Ball
Anorith - Docile Nature, Female, Dusk Ball
Remoraid - Naive Nature, Male, Strange Ball
I have some more shinies from SwSh and SV, including a couple event ones, as well as a couple shiny Apricorn mons in Scarlet. I can also trade any of those Apricorn pokemon on Scarlet and give you an Ability Patch, or Gold Bottle Cap with it. You can message me for those details. I'm just looking for a throwaway Mon with a Master Ball attached for my shiny Darkrai hunt. Message me if interested!