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danger chili pepper
Staff member
This thread's primary purpose is for quick trades using Pokemon HOME. You can post here if you're too lazy to create your own thread. You can still create your own thread though.

There are other dedicated Quick Trading Thread for:
- Pokemon LEGENDS: Arceus
- Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl
- Pokemon Sword/Shield

Anyway, you can just follow this format:

LF: <what you're looking for>
FT: <what you have for trade>
<your message>

All forum and Gen 8 WiFi subforum rules apply.
Last edited:


Live freely
LF: Other 2 Alola starters (Bank isn’t working for me)
FT: Don’t have anything specific so I guess ask. I don’t have any legendaries tho


Well-Known Member
Anyone have the shiny GameStop events for Solgaleo/Lunala?


Returning Veteran
I know it's a long shot, but does anyone have a (spare?) Marshadow they'd be willing to part with?
I've always wanted to use one but I missed the event in Gen VII and I don't play Go.
Don't have a great deal to offer but I can put in some time to get a shiny or something if you want.


Just have fun
Lf popplio with aqua jet, zeraora

Sword exclusives

Ft:mewtwo, shield exclusives, kanto starters,galar starters


LF: zamazenta (with shield item), zeraora

FT: meltan, mew, celebi, arceus, darkrai, ho-oh, articuno, zapdos, moltres, Mewtwo, latios, latias, kyogre, groudon, rayquaza, victini, hoopa, magearna


New Member
LF: Volcanion, Poipole, Zeraora, Meltan, Melmetal, Zacian

FT: Nearly any legendary/mythical from gen 1-7 and a few shinies.

mew 2000

Shiny Celebi
Lf vivillon
River, Sun, Icy snow, Jungle,Sandstorm, Monsoon, and Arcapelogo

I have several of every legendary, and starter but first person to offer me atleast 5 of the 7 vivillon mentioned here will get a shiny celebi I personally soft reset for when the crystal VC came out. Someone offers me all 7 at once they get a shiny ho-oh and lugia along with the celebi (also soft reset but on gold vc)


New Member
Lf vivillon
River, Sun, Icy snow, Jungle,Sandstorm, Monsoon, and Arcapelogo

I have several of every legendary, and starter but first person to offer me atleast 5 of the 7 vivillon mentioned here will get a shiny celebi I personally soft reset for when the crystal VC came out. Someone offers me all 7 at once they get a shiny ho-oh and lugia along with the celebi (also soft reset but on gold vc)

I have all of those vivillion I am looking for Volcanion, Zeraora, Meltan, Melmetal, Zacian

mew 2000

Shiny Celebi
I have all of those vivillion I am looking for Volcanion, Zeraora, Meltan, Melmetal, Zacian
I can offer all of those except for zacian, if thats fair enough?


Well-Known Member
Xerneus and yveltal? I have the shiny GameStop ones if you haven’t found anyone else yet

I have multiples of the Xerneas and Yveltal and I'm looking for the shiny Solgaleo/Lunala events.


New Member
LF: Zeraora
FT: any in game legendaries, and most mythicals (excluding meltan/melmetal)

including Celebi, Jirachi, Arceus, Meloetta, Diance, Deoxys...
LF: Zacian with sword held item, Zeraora
FT: Meltan, Groudon, Lugia, Yvetal, Kyogre, Jirachi, and more legendaries. Just ask and I probably have it.


New Member
cosmog, Cosmoem, Lunala, Solgaleo, Kartana, Celesteela, Marshadow, Magearna, Stakataka, Zeraora, Meltan, melmetal, Naganade, Necrozma, Blacephalon

FT: (Most are from the anniversary events or whatever they were)

Shiny xerneus and yveltal, Diancie, Hoopa, Meloetta, volcanion, Mew, Celebi, Keldeo, Arceus, Manaphy, Wishmkr jirachi, MATTLE Ho-oh
Only the xerneus and yveltal are shiny, I worded that weird

Obviously I skipped sun and moon, it might be easier than this just to play it, but I’m trying to fill my pokedex and those are the only legendaries left.