Bro I have a meltan, a bunch actually, I will trade for zeraora for shinies. friend code AZHMXFTMXSMRLF: Meltan or Zacian
FT: Zeraora, Marshadow, Shinies. If not listed ask and I can probably come up with it.
Bro I have a meltan, a bunch actually, I will trade for zeraora for shinies. friend code AZHMXFTMXSMRLF: Meltan or Zacian
FT: Zeraora, Marshadow, Shinies. If not listed ask and I can probably come up with it.
keldeo and deoxys for magearna and zerora ?I have Magearna and Zeraora, Stakataka, Meltan, Melmetal, Celesteela, Kartana for trade. I'm looking for Keldeo and Deoxys forms. Do you want to trade, message me your Home FC!
Anything from bdsp, I have hoopa and deoxysLF Deoxys and Hoopa
FT Have Thundorus, Kartana, Terrakion, Virizion, Darkrai, Cresselia, Regigigas, Heatran, Giratina, Manaphy, Mespirit, Uxie, Rayquaza, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Latias, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, and Zygarde available. Also able to breed anything available in BDSP, SWSH, or SV
Do you still need a zarude?Hi all, I know this is a long shot but....
LF: Pikachu-World Cap, Zarude, Zarude-Dada
FT: Tons of stuff, shinies, events, just let me knownotables probably include Zeraora, Marshadow, Deoxys, Hoopa-Confined, Magearna.
Last 3 mons I need for my living dex, impossible if you miss the event!!
Thanks in advance!