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Quicker Eevee Evolution


New Member
I'm not sure if this would work, and I searched and nothing came up, so I am asking the question:

If you just hatched an Eevee with no EVs, and used one of the many friendly berries on it, since it has no EVs, none will get reduced, so you can evolve it at the next level, correct? This is just a thought I had, some crazy idea. Just asking all you more experienced Pokemon trainers out there.
it will evolve to umbreon/espeon if you use the berries will the sooth bell or it will take about 35 berries.
even if there is nothing to fall it will still work.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
I dont really see the point of the berries. use items like carbo's iron ect and the ev's will be raised along with happiness. twice as good as berries especially if you have a pokemon you want to use for battles later.


New Member
I dont really see the point of the berries. use items like carbo's iron ect and the ev's will be raised along with happiness. twice as good as berries especially if you have a pokemon you want to use for battles later.

So those items raise happiness as much as the berries do? Also, could you use 10 of one of those items on the Eevee and get it that happy, then use 10 berries and get it even happier(But it's EVs would go down again) and just keep making it's EVs go to 100 them 0 then to 100 etc. until it's happy enough?


Natsu no Maboroshi
Yes, It will evolve normally, if the hapiness is maxed

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
So those items raise happiness as much as the berries do? Also, could you use 10 of one of those items on the Eevee and get it that happy, then use 10 berries and get it even happier(But it's EVs would go down again) and just keep making it's EVs go to 100 them 0 then to 100 etc. until it's happy enough?

I think they give around the same amount of happiness points as ev points (possibly about 10) I know that maxing ev's seems to also max happiness (unsure how this works)
you could but its a matter of how many you are willing to use/spend. If you dont care about cloning then load poor ol eevee up with cloned iron/carbos etc untill it says 'it wont have any effect'. on each one. then go up one lv and it will evolve.......Forgot to add this may be incredibly expensive if you dont like cloning. berrys may be a better cheap method, then ev train it as you first asked. plain old ev training is the cheapest method of all but it takes the most time.
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fuk yo couch ***** !
i grow tons and tons of those berries, so i use quite a few on raising happiness (blissey, umbreon etc.) and it does do it a whole lot quicker, give it a soothe bell and you'll have it in no time :)


Just give it loads of pokeblocks it likes, give it EV lowering berries, a soothe bell, and make sure you have a king's ransom of EV lowering berries. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
seeing as this is a thread about evees, does the day/night espeon umbreon thing still happen in the 3rd gen games? just curious as I'm still at an early point in the game and h aven't evolved my evee yet.
also can an evee (or a golbat or a chansey or any other happy based evos) evolve before you get the national dex? I'm pretty sure on an old file my chansey evolved before I got the ndex but can't really remember.
SORRY TO bust in on the thread with what are ALMOST unrelated questions but it seemed like a good place for um.





Hasty Ho Oh
Im sure there is a Serebii main page about the Eeveelutions...

And i really dont no about the other questions...ive never tried....I got the national Dex as soon as my mate traded over a Ditto onto my Sapphire game....


Powerplay Champion
so the berries lower evs...
man i feel stupid:(


[Insert Wacky Title]
also can an evee (or a golbat or a chansey or any other happy based evos) evolve before you get the national dex? I'm pretty sure on an old file my chansey evolved before I got the ndex but can't really remember.

Simply, no. It happened when I tried evolving my Golbat, and it wouldn't work until I got the National Dex.


seeing as this is a thread about evees, does the day/night espeon umbreon thing still happen in the 3rd gen games? just curious as I'm still at an early point in the game and h aven't evolved my evee yet.
also can an evee (or a golbat or a chansey or any other happy based evos) evolve before you get the national dex? I'm pretty sure on an old file my chansey evolved before I got the ndex but can't really remember.
SORRY TO bust in on the thread with what are ALMOST unrelated questions but it seemed like a good place for um.




yes, you can they just won't be recorded until later.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
in games like ruby/sapphire all the evos pre-evos obtainable are accounted for, or if you trade from box before you get a national dex they wont show up untill you trade from another game after beating e4.. in FR/LG they will simply stop evolving (tried it on golbat and chansey early on) if you try to breed a jynx/jigglypuff/electrobuzz/magmar for the pre-evo's before you get the national dex you will get another jynx/jigglypuff/magmar etc. weirdly enough if you keep those same eggs untill you get the dex then out will pop a pre-evo.
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No doing that wouldnt make it evelve next level. Im almost certain if you tried to use one of those berrys the game would say 'it wont have any effect' and the berry wont be used, nice thinking though.

And having 512 evs gained wont necessarily mean it will evolve. Its happines level (hidden value) has to be high enough and getting evs ups the happiness level but it could be full evs but you let it faint a lot (lowers happiness level) and it wont necessarily eveolve. ;123;


Well-Known Member
Thats Scary :S

Anyway just Soothe Bell it and Load it full of Vitamins