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R.J. - Legacy of a Master

Archangel R.J.

Spikeshell Trainer
Well, looks like we have to start over... oh well, it'll get you even more anxious for the rest of the Jade Tournament. Oh well. Well, for those of you who has read it before, or those of you that have just started, here is the first chapter of my first fic, "R.J. - Legacy of a Master."

Part 1 - Chapter 1
The Legacy Begins

In the land of Moxto, the land beyond Johto, in the town of Zastor, a young boy named R.J. Moyan woke up yawning on his 13th birthday. R.J. was a tall, black haired boy that was nice and loved Pokemon. But although it was his birthday, R.J. was saddened by something major that had happened: the death of his mom.

R.J.’s mom, Gina, died two years ago when the Hospital she worked at caught on fire. She got all of the patients out, but couldn’t make it out herself. The strange thing was that her body was never found. Experts said that the body got burnt to ash. R.J. decided to put this out of his mind and to look forward to the day ahead. Not only was it is birthday, but he would be getting his first Pokemon today from the resident professor, Mr. Tomford, although in his heart, he knew he couldn’t leave for an adventure. He brushed his hair, put on his clothes (A green t-shirt, short jeans, his fish necklace, and sneakers) and went downstairs for breakfast. He was shortly joined by his dad, Nick.

The one major thing that Gina’s death caused to R.J. was that he and his dad were blown apart. R.J. didn’t take his mom’s death very easily, but his dad just lost it. He quit his job and just didn’t care about life anymore. Instead of R.J.’s dad taking care of R.J., R.J. had to take care of him! R.J. had always wanted to become a Pokemon Trainer, but he couldn’t because he couldn’t leave his dad.

“Hey son, are you ready for school?”

“Um, Dad, it’s a Saturday.”

“Right. I knew that.”

R.J. was worrying that his dad would forget his birthday, but he didn’t say anything. He poured himself a bowl of Fearow Flakes and sat down. But when he was done, R.J.’s dad still didn’t say anything.

“Dad, aren’t you forgetting what day it is?” R.J. finally asked his father.

“Of course not,” R.J. smiled until his dad said, “You just told me. It’s Saturday.”

R.J.’s smile was replaced with a frown. “It’s my birthday, Dad.”

“Sorry, I forgot,” Nick replied, as if he really didn’t care.

R.J. sighed. He didn’t want any presents, but he wanted his dad to at least wish him a Happy Birthday.

“I’m going for a walk,” R.J. told his dad, but he didn’t seem to hear him. R.J. grabbed his basketball and dribbled it down the street. A Pidgey was flying overhead.

“Happy Birthday R.J.” R.J. turned around to see his best friend, Joseph. Joseph would also be getting a Pokemon from Mr. Tomford today, but it wouldn’t be his first. He already had a Charmander, which was walking right next to him.

“Thanks Joe, at least somebody remembered.”

“Your dad?”


“Don’t worry, he’ll get over it.”

“It’s been two years since she died. You’d think he’d get over it by now.”

Just give him some time.”

“I guess you’re right.” R.J. looked up at the sky and saw the Pidgey flying It must have saw a worm, because it flew down quickly. But a passing truck drove by were the Pidgey was heading, and the Pidgey hit the side of the truck.

Joseph yelped in surprise. “What the crap? I didn’t see that coming!”

R.J. dropped his basketball and went over to the Pidgey. “It’s still breathing, but we should get it to a Pokemon Center right away!”

“Fine, let’s go!”

The nearest Pokemon center was a few blocks down the road, and R.J. and Joseph ran as fast as they could to get to it. When they got inside, the Nurse Joy that worked there was at the counter, and didn’t seem to have anything to do. R.J. and Joseph were friends with this Joy, but it was no time for chitchat.

“Hello boys, what can I do for you today?”

“This Pidgey got hit by a truck. It needs help right away!” Joseph yelled.

Joy looked upset. “I’ve never worked on something this big before, but I’ll do my best.” She turned to R.J. and said, “I’ll call your dad and tell him that you’re here. Happy Birthday by the way,” she then took Pidgey from R.J.’s arms and went into the emergency room.

“Char! Charmander!” Joseph’s Charmander yelped.

R.J. and Joseph waited an hour before Joy came out with Pidgey.

“He’s as good as new. Just a night of rest, and I can put him back into the wild.” she told them.

“That’s good,” R.J. replied. He then got up and started to pet the Pidgey.

“Watch out, it’s still wild,” Joy warned, but to his surprise, the Pidgey didn’t peck him. In fact, the Pidgey seemed to like it.

“Hey, it seems to like it,” Joseph noted. “Maybe you can keep it as a pet. You know, like I have Charmander. Then we can both have two Pokemon after we get ours from Mr. Tomford, so we’ll have a head start when we start our adventure.”

“Yah, can I, Nurse Joy?”

“I’m sorry, R.J., but this Pidgey is still wild, even though it seems to like you.”

“Okay then. I have to get going,” R.J. muttered, pretending not to be bummed by this, although he was clear he left in a worse mood then when he came in. He went back to where he found Pidgey to retrieve his basketball, went to the nearby park, and started shooting hoops. He missed all of them. Finally, after five minutes, he managed to nail a tough three-pointer, and decided to go back home. To his surprise, his dad wasn’t sleeping on the coach or watching T.V. when he got home, but was waiting for him.

“I’m sorry about today,” his dad said.

“Yah, it stunk.”

“Well, I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided that I need to get over Gina, and start worrying about you. You’ve been taking care of me the last couple of years, and it’s not supposed to work like that. And since I forgot your birthday, I decided to give you what you always wanted: the chance to become a Pokemon Master!”

R.J. couldn’t believe it. His dad was letting him be a Pokemon Trainer. “You okay, Dad?”

His dad laughed. “Yes I’m fine. Here, let’s talk about it in the Living Room.” R.J.’s father led him to the Living Room, and turned on the lights.

“Surprise!” Joseph, Charmander, Joseph’s parents and Joy jumped out from behind the couch. There was a Pokéball on a small table.

R.J. couldn’t believe it. “You remembered my birthday all this time?”

R.J.’s dad frowned. “Sorry son, I didn’t after all. Nurse Joy called, and I knew I had to make it up somehow. Well, Happy Birthday, son!” Nick then handed him the Pokeball. When R.J. opened it, the Pidgey that he and Joseph had saved from the road came out, looking happy as ever.

“Wow! Thanks, Dad. And am I correct to assume you were in this too, Joy?”

“Well, I did think you needed a present, and he did seem fond of you…”

Joseph smiled, and then looked at his watch. “Oh man, R.J. We forgot about Mr. Tomford! We need to go now, or we might not get our Pokemon!”

R.J. nodded. “Your right. Let’s go.” And then to his new Pidgey, “C’mon little buddy, lets find you a new friend.”

Five minutes later, the two boys and their Pokemon found themselves at Mr. Tomford’s lab, with a smiling Mr. Tomford greeting them. Mr. Tomford was old, bald, and slightly chubby, with an old shirt, old pants, and suspenders, but he was a very nice man. “Come on in, boys. Make yourselves at home.” They went inside to see three Pokeballs on a table. “So, R.J., I see you made a new friend,” Mr. Tomford said, indicating Pidgey.

Pidgey flew over to R.J.’s shoulder. “Yah, a birthday present from my dad. Joseph and I saved it after a truck hit it, and my dad let me keep it.”

“A nice man, your father. I met him when he was a young man and I was a middle-aged professor. It’s quite a shame what that terrible accident did to both him and you…”

Changing the subject, Joseph pointed towards the Pokeballs. ‘I’m assuming those are the Pokemon you are giving us, right?”

“Yes, they are, but we will have to wait until Kevin gets here before you can choose.”

Kevin Kobbes was a rich kid that neither R.J. nor Joseph liked. He had a bad attitude and liked insulting people whenever he had the chance. He also had a Porygon.

“Is it really necessary to wait for…”

At that moment, the door to the lab slammed open and Kevin stormed in. He had blonde, spiked hair, and was carrying a skateboard under his arm.

“Moyan? Hannah? What are you two clowns doing here? I thought I was the only one getting a Pokemon?” Kevin said this with attitude, as if he was going to beat them all up if they didn’t give him the answer he wanted. “And what’s with the bird?”

“It’s mine,” R.J. replied with anger, “ I saved him after it got hit by a truck.”

Kevin sneered. “Pretty dumb bird. So, Tomford, when do I get my Pokemon?”

Mr. Tomford sighed. Then he went over the table with the Pokeballs. “Well boys, you’re in for a treat today. I’ve just received these three Pokemon from a friend in Hoenn. You can choose from Treecko, the forest gecko,” he opened the first Pokeball, and a green, lizard-like Pokemon came out. “Torchic, the chick Pokemon,” Mr. Tomford opened the second Pokeball, and an orange, chicken-like Pokemon came out. “And last, but not least, Mudkip, the mudskipper Pokemon.” he opened the last Pokeball, and a blue, four-legged Pokemon came out. “Well, what are you waiting for? Choose!”

“I want Torchic!” Kevin said immediately.

“Okay then, Torchic is yours.” Mr. Tomford gave Kevin Torchic’s Pokeball, several empty Pokeballs, and something that looked like a very cool, red, and futuristic Gameboy with lots of buttons. Noticing R.J.’s look when he handed Kevin the gameboy, he said, “This is a Pokedex. It stores all the information you need on all the Pokemon. The ones you are getting are the latest prototypes, sent to me from my good friend, Professor Oak.”

Joseph looked slightly angry. “I wanted Torchic,” he muttered through his teeth. After saying that, Mudkip waddled over to Joseph. He picked it up. “What do you think?” Joseph asked Charmander.


Joseph smiled. “That’s good enough for me. I’ll take it.” Mr. Tomford handed him Mudkip’s Pokeball, some empty Pokeballs, and a Pokedex. Then Joseph looked at R.J. “I guess Treecko is yours.”

“No problem, I’ve always wanted a Grovyle, and once I train this little guy, I’ll have one.” Mr. Tomford handed R.J. Treecko’s Pokeball, his Pokedex, and some empty Pokeballs.

“Well then, it looks like all three of you are ready for an adventure! I’d say you should take the Moxto League Challenge.”

“Moxto League Challenge?”

“Yes, it’s very simple. You must go around Moxto in search of gyms, and when you find one, you must challenge the Gym Leader to a Pokemon battle. If you win, you get a badge. There are about twenty gyms in all of Moxto, but you only need to get eight badges. Once you get eight, you can compete in that year’s Moxto League Jade Tournament. Only by winning the tournament can you declare yourself a Pokemon Master.”

“Sounds good to me,” R.J. said, stroking Pidgey.

“The nearest gym is in Leavine City, you can register there. Now go, and good luck to all of you!”

R.J. nodded. “Treecko, Pidgey return!” He took out their Pokeballs and had returned them into them, just like he had seen on T.V.

Once they were outside, Kevin’s cocky side took control of him. “Hey, do either of you punks want to battle my new Torchic? How about you, Moyar? Do you think your weak Pidgey can stand up to it?”

“My Pidgey is not weak,” R.J. snarled.

“Let’s find out. Go, Torchic!” Kevin’s Torchic walked in front of him ready for battle.

“Go Pidgey!” R.J. threw Pidgey’s Pokeball in front of him, and Pidgey came out. “Now, let’s see what you can do. Quick Attack!” Faster then R.J. could see, Pidgey flew towards Torchic and hit it at full speed, sending Torchic flying back a couple feet.

“Get up, Torchic, and hit it with an Ember!” Torchic spit a small fireball at Pidgey, but Pidgey dodged it. The fireball kept going, and dropped in a small patch of grass, which started to burn.

“Uh-oh,” Joseph said, “This doesn’t look good. Mudkip, Water Gun!” Joseph’s Mudkip sent a small burst of water at the fire, eliminating it. Joseph then turned to R.J. and Kevin. “You know, this probably isn’t the best place for a battle.”

“Fine,” Kevin said, returning Torchic to its Pokeball, “That Torchic was weak anyway. If it had been my Porygon fighting, your Pidgey wouldn’t have stood a chance. Well, see you around, losers,” and then he stormed off.

“Glad to see him gone,” Joseph said. “Well, it looks like we’re all leaving for our adventure now. I have to pack and say goodbye to my folks first. I hope we meat during our quest.”

R.J. nodded. “Me too.”

“Charmander, Mudkip, return!” He returned them to their Pokeballs and then ran home.

“Pidgey, return,” Pidgey happily returned to his Pokeball, and R.J. went home. When he got there, he dad was waiting for him, backpack in hand.

“I packed your toothbrush, toothpaste, some extra clothes, some food, a sleeping bag, and a couple water bottles. Hopefully, you can get some more food at Pokemon Centers, as well as refill your water bottles,” he trusted the backpack into R.J.’s hands. R.J. looked up at his dad, and saw what could have been a tear coming out of his eye. “Good-luck, son.”

“Thanks dad. I’ll see you around sometime.”

Once R.J. got to the edge of Zastor Town, he could barely make out the figure of his father waving to him. “Goodbye Dad!” and then, to himself, “I’ll make you proud. Both of you.”

aron fan

please update your chapters this time this fic is great 5/5p.s please chage some of the pokemon you catch

aron fan

evil evil start posting now
can i fight you in the jade tourmanet with my dream check sig


I'm back now. I do hope you've done well in my place. If there is anyone here that could've continued my legacy, it's you. I very much look forward to the return of this fic. As for mine, it shall probably remain stuck on my disc, unchanged for all eternity. I'm still the same as ever, as my sig will indicate.

Archangel R.J.

Spikeshell Trainer
Wow, it's great to see you back, Sceptile. I don't know if you found what you were looking for, but if not, I hope you find it soon.

And thanks for the coment, it really means a lot, although I could have never filled your shoes. I really hope you bring your fic back, it was one of the best trainer fics out there.

Mr Cat Dogâ„¢

Well, I'll help with the quick updating process (my meassage should make 3/4/5). I really liked this fic and was one of the few that I could sit down and read for about 3 hours. Obviously many people know how it goes - but it is still fun to read over and over again.

Shiny May

i'm glad you are restarting this fic again. It's one of the best fic i've ever read. can't wait till he re-reaches the Jade Tournament again. This will probably be the 4th reply.

Archangel R.J.

Spikeshell Trainer
Thanks for the replies, guys. It's great to have my fans back, and to know that so many people like this fic (where's Sandra, though? I can't go on without my own personal critic). But anyway, here's chapter 2. Not my favorite, but oh well.

Part 1 - Chapter 2
The Trail to Victory

“Come on out, Pidgey and Treecko!” R.J. decided he didn’t know his Pokemon as well as he should, so he decided to spend some time with them.



“It’s nice to see you guys, too.” He took out a water bottle and let both his Pokemon drink their fill, and then took a drink himself.

When he put the bottle down, he heard a cry from down the trail. “Go Rattata! Tackle that Spearow!”

“Don’t take that Spearow, hit that little rat with all the power you have!”

“Cool, a Pokemon battle,” R.J. said to himself. “Let’s check it out, guys.”

It didn’t take R.J. and his Pokemon long to make it to the battle. After watching it for a few seconds, he decided that the Rattata was losing. Badly.

“No! Rattata!” As the Spearow knocked out the Rattata, the Rattata’s owner quickly went over to the Rattata and picked it up. He was a short kid, and was wearing shorts, a tee shirt, and a baseball cap. R.J. noticed the word “Johnny” on the back of the tee shirt. Tears were running down his face.

“Spearow, return.” The owner of the Spearow was not much taller then Jimmy, and was wearing an orange jumpsuit. “Don’t challenge me to a fight, Johnny, unless you can give me an actual challenge. Come back to me when you grow up, loser.” And with one final shove, he walked away.

R.J. helped Johnny to his feet. “That guy was a jerk,” R.J. told Johnny. “Don’t let him get to you.”

Johnny wiped the tears from his face. “It so hard. I’ve always admired Dustin for his skills in battle, and once a get a Pokemon of my own, and try to be as good as him, but his just pushes me down.”

“Was that Dustin?”


R.J. shook his head. “He shouldn’t be your idol if he’s going to act like that. An idol is someone who you can look up to, like a father. Especially a father.” He paused for a second. “But if he is going to lower your self-esteem like that, he doesn’t deserve your respect.”

“Thanks, but who are you, and are those your Pokemon?” Johnny pointed to Pidgey and Treecko.

“Yes those are mine, and I’m R.J. I just started my own adventure, and my goal right now is to get to Leavine City and challenge the Gym Leader there, but I want to try to help you as much as I can.”

Johnny looked up. “Really?”

“Sure. The first thing we need to do if practice battling with your Pokemon. Call out your Rattata.”

“Sure okay. “Come on out, Rattata!” Johnny threw out a Pokeball, and the Rattata that R.J. saw battling came out. It was hyper and ready for battle.

“Okay Johnny, first you will need to battle a weak Pokemon to get the hang of it.” R.J. looked around until he saw a bush. A Weedle was inching its way in front of the bush. “Okay Johnny, see that Weedle? Tell your Rattata to use a Quick Attack on that Weedle.”

Johnny looked confused. “Uh, okay. Rattata, use Quick Attack!”

“RAAT!” Johnny’s Rattata charged at the Weedle and hit it strait on, causing it to fly back. The Weedle got up, and began to cry.


Then, to R.J.’s horror, he heard it. The buzzing. And after the source of the buzzing came out of the tree, he knew he was in trouble.

It was a Beedrill. An angry one.

“I want to battle it,” Johnny said enthusiastically.

“I don’t suggest it. But if you really want to…”

“ Okay Rattata, wait for that Beedrill to fly down here, and then Tackle it!”

The Beedrill lunged itself towards Rattata, and sure enough, when Beedrill came close enough, Rattata leaped at Beedrill.

Unfortunately, Beedrill saw Rattata coming, and quickly turned itself around, and jammed one of its powerful stingers into Rattata.


“Rattata!” Johnny cried. He went over and cradled his Pokemon.

R.J. slapped his forehead with his hand. “Well Pidgey, go get it. Quick Attack!”

Pidgey swooped towards Beedrill at full speed, hitting it and causing it to stumble in mid-air.

“Now, hit it with a Sand-Attack!”

Pidgey flapped his wings blew sand and dirt from the ground and hit Beedrill with it, blinding it.

“Use Quick Attack again!”

Again, Pidgey swooped towards Beedrill at full speed, causing it to stumble.

R.J. took out an empty Pokeball. “Let’s see how these babies work. Pokeball, GO!”

R.J. threw his Pokeball at the Beedrill and hit it, causing the Pokeball to open and suck Beedrill inside. The Pokeball fell to the ground, and began to shake. When it stopped shaking, R.J. knew he had a new Pokemon. He walked over and picked up the Pokeball containing his new Beedrill.

Johnny moaned. “See? I can’t even beat a Beedrill with you helping me! I’m hopeless.”

“Don’t worry, you did great. That was a tough Beedrill.”

“Then how come you beat it?”

R.J. thought for a minute. “Because I trusted my Pokemon. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my mentor, Mr. Tomford, it’s that you and your Pokemon must act like one in battle. You are a team. You must have confidence in your Pokemon’s abilities, and they must have confidence in yours.”

Johnny looked at his Rattata. “Rattata, I know I may not be the strongest trainer around, but I want to do my best. And if what R.J. says is true, then we need to trust each other. Do you trust me?”

Rattata seemed to nod. “Ratttaaattaa!”

“Well I trust you too, so it’s settled.” Johnny stood up. “I’m going to challenge Dustin again, and this time, I’m going to win!”

“I wouldn’t suggest running into battle just yet.”

“I know I might not have a chance, but now that I fully realize the bond I have with my Pokemon, I at least want to try.”

R.J. smiled. “That’s the spirit! With that kind of attitude, I’m sure you’ll be able to beat Dustin.”

“Let’s go find him, then!”

R.J., Johnny, and their Pokemon walked (or in Pidgey’s case, flew) down the trail. It wasn’t long before they saw the orange jumpsuit.

“Dustin!” Johnny called out. “I challenge you and your Spearow to a Pokemon battle againist me and my Rattata!”

Dustin walked towards them. “I thought I told you to come back when you could actually give me a challenge. I don’t see any improvement in your Rattata, so no, I won’t battle you.”

“R.J. stepped forward. “How about I battle you. If I win, you battle Johnny.”

Dustin grinned. “Fine, I’ll battle you. You look like lot a better trainer then that loser.”

“Treecko, I choose you!” Treecko jumped in front of R.J., ready for battle.

“A grass type, eh? Well, I would use my Spearow, but I want to save its energy. Go Ekans!” Dustin threw a Pokeball out and a purple snake came out.

“Okay Treecko, Pound it!” Treecko slammed Ekans with its tail, slamming it to the ground.

“Get up, Ekans, and squeeze the life out of it!”

“Get ready, Treecko, and use Quick Attack!”

As Ekans lunged itself at Treecko, Treecko quickly dodged out of the way and slammed Ekans with all it’s might. Ekans flew back, hitting Dustin.

“Okay, I give. You win. I’ll fight Johnny. Ekans, return. Go, Spearow!”

As Dustin returned Ekans to its Pokeball, he sent out his Spearow.

Johnny took R.J.’s place, facing Dustin. “Okay Rattata, get ready for this battle.” At that, Rattata leaped it front of Johnny, teeth bared.

“Remember Johnny,” R.J. called out, “you and Rattata are a team!”

“Right. Okay, Rattata, stand your ground.”

Dustin sneered. “This will be too easy. Spearow, Peck attack!”

“When it comes close, hit it with a Hyper Fang!”

Dustin looked worried. “Hyper Fang? Uh-oh. Spearow, call off your attack!”

But it was too late. When Spearow was close enough, Rattata leaped up and bit Spearow. Hard.

“Come on, Spearow, drag that rat off of you!”

But Rattata weighed Spearow down, and it couldn’t fly. Eventually, Spearow hit the ground, with Rattata pinning it.

“Now Rattata, Headbutt!”

Rattata leaped high into the air, and when it was at its peak, it dropped down, headfirst. Its head seemed to get heavier as it fell, and when it was heaviest, it hit Spearow, knocking it out.

“No way!” Dustin cried.

“Rattata!” Johnny embraced his Pokemon. “I knew you could do it.”

“Ratt,” replied Rattata.

“Great job, Johnny,” R.J. said. “I knew you had it in you.”

“Thanks for all your help, R.J. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Sure you could have. You just had to believe in yourself.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“Spearow!” Dustin sobbed. “How could you fail me?”
“I guess he learned his lesson,” Johnny said proudly. “Well, I guess you better be going now.”


Johnny pointed north. “Leavine City is that way, if you’re looking for badges.”

“Thanks. Why don’t you come with me?”

Johnny shook his head. “Nah, I want to train with my Rattata alone. Although you are a very good trainer, I’d prefer to train my own way.”

“I guess you’re right. Pidgey, Treecko, return.” R.J. returned his Pokemon to their Pokeballs and, ignoring Dustin’s sobs, headed north towards his next adventure.

Mr Cat Dogâ„¢

I'm just going to quicken the updates once more - but without offering my congratulations on such a remarkable fic. I've already read it and - since you are not changing anything - think it's good. I cant really say keep it up since you are not changing anything, but...erm...I would think of saying something nice to finish off, but this post is making me a Boulder Trainer.


Dunno. I can't really criticize, you write a lot like I do. I shall continue to support, though.

Archangel R.J.

Spikeshell Trainer
Sceptile said:
Dunno. I can't really criticize, you write a lot like I do.

Well then, I know I'm doing something right.

And Aron fan, try to put a little more into your response. You don't want Feather Dance to come ine here (which she'll do eventually) and blowing your head off.
It's the spamming stalker!
*swats aron fan out of the way*

Anyway just posting to say I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack and reading :D


I want to say this is a great fic! Lol, I just love his hyper Beedrill. Can't wait till the Jade Tornament, and good job writing!!!

Archangel R.J.

Spikeshell Trainer
We're on a roll... here's Chapter 3, and it has my favorite title (nice to see you back, Sandra)

Part 1 - Chapter 3
A Pain in the Grass

“Full name?”

“Ryan Jason Moyan. R.J., if you will.”



“Professor sponsor?”

“Excuse me?”

“From whom did you get your Pokedex from?”

“Oh. Carl Tomford.”

“And what Pokemon do you have as of now?”

“A Pidgey, a Treecko, and a Beedrill.”

“All right then.” The Nurse Joy at the Leavine City Pokemon Center handed R.J. back his Pokedex. “You are now registered for the Moxto League. Would you like me to heal your Pokemon?”

“Yes, please.” R.J. gave Joy the three Pokeballs that contained his Pokemon. She put them on a tray.

“One moment, please.”

Joy put the tray on a machine, which was automatically turned on and began making beeps. After five seconds, she took the tray off the machine and handed R.J. his Pokemon back.

“Here you go, your Pokemon have been fully healed. Good luck on your first Gym battle.”

“Thank you.”

R.J. was in Leavine City, a city that seemed to have lots of trees, flowers, and vegetation. But it was the Gym he was interested in. He had to beat the Gym Leader that trained inside the Gym in order to get a badge. The badges were what he needed most in this League.

Suddenly, a man wearing black ran past R.J. he seemed to be carrying a bag full of something, possibly money.

“Stop that thief!” an old woman cried. “He’s stolen all my money!” R.J. started chasing after the man, but he was too fast. R.J., although a track runner himself, could not keep up.

Suddenly, a man in his early twenties leaped out of a tree. He had green hair, and was wearing a camouflaged shirt wit brown pants. He was wearing no shoes.

“Bulbasaur, I choose you!” The man shouted, throwing a Pokeball.

“Bulba!” A Bulbasaur, a grass-type Pokemon that R.J. had studied with Mr. Tomford, was now out on the sidewalk.

“Bulbasaur, Vine Whip!” Bulbasaur extended its vines until they reached the man, and then he tripped dropping the bag.

The man ran over and grabbed the bag. A policewoman in a police car drove up and arrested the bugler. “Thank you, Rass,”

Rass wiped the sweat from his forehead. “It was nothing, Jenny.”

The old lady ran over and took the bag from Rass. “Oh thank you, Rass. Ever since you became Gym Leader, this town has been a lot better.”

Gym Leader? R.J. thought to himself.

“Well ladies, it’s been nice talking to you.” While Rass was walking back into the woods, R.J. ran up to him.”

“Hey, are you the Gym Leader here?”

Rass smiled. “Depends. If you’re a trainer, yes, I am the Gym Leader. If not, then I’m just the local jungle-boy.”

“I’m a trainer. My name is R.J. Would you like to battle?”

“Sure. You look like a promising trainer, I’m sure a battle with you will make me happy. Bt first, I need to go home and get the rest of my Pokemon. Want to come? I’ll make you something.”

“Sure that sounds great.”

Rass lead R.J. into the woods until the reached a tree house.

“This is your home?”


They climbed the latter into the tree house, and went inside. It looked very cozy. There was a bed, a cabinet, and a table. There were pictures of both plants and grass-type Pokemon on the walls.

“As you can see,” Rass said, fixing R.J. a sandwich, “I adore Grass Pokemon, as well as plants. They are my specialty.” He handed R.J. the sandwich. “Do you have any Grass Pokemon?”

R.J. nodded. “A Treecko. It was my second Pokemon.”

“My first Pokemon was my Bulbasaur. I found it hiding in my garden. I adopted it, and ever since then, I was obsessed with Grass Pokemon.” Rass grabbed two Pokeballs from his table. “Would you like it if we each used three Pokemon in our battle?”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Well then, let’s go.”

Rass led R.J. to the Leavine City Gym, which had gardens surrounding it on all sides. “Come on in,” Rass told R.J.

R.J. had never seen a Pokemon Gym before. It looked like a basketball court, except no baskets and no bleachers. There was some kind of scoreboard, though. Trees also surrounded the court.

Suddenly, a ref walked into the court. All the lights turned on, and both Rass’ and R.J.’s faces appeared on the scoreboard. “This is a Pokemon battle between Rass, the Gym Leader, and R.J. the challenger. Should the challenger emerge victorious, he will be awarded with a Forest Badge. There will be two Pokemon each, no time limit. Let the battle begin!”

“Okay, Nuzleaf, I choose you!” Rass threw out a Pokeball, and Nuzleaf, a Pokemon that looked like a humanoid acorn, came out of it.

“Fine then. I’ll choose my own Grass-type Pokemon. Go Treecko!”

R.J. threw a Pokeball, and his Treecko jumped out. Also, on the scoreboard, Nuzleaf’s picture appeared under Rass’, and Treecko’s appeared under R.J.’s.

“Nuzleaf, Bullet Seed!”

Nuzleaf began shooting seeds at Treecko at a high speed. Each one hit their mark.

“Get up, Treecko. Hit it with Quick Attack!”

Treecko rushed at Nuzleaf at full speed and hit it, but it stood its ground.

“Nuzleaf, Faint Attack!”

Nuzleaf seemed to make two copies of itself, and they all slammed into Treecko, knocking it skyward.

“No! Treecko!”

“Now, Nuzleaf! Finish it off with a Bullet Seed!”

All the copies of Nuzleaf disappeared, and again, Nuzleaf shot seeds at Treecko while it was in the air. They all hit, and Treecko fell to the ground, knocked out. The picture of Treecko on the scoreboard darkened.

“Treecko, return. Go Beedrill!” R.J. returned Treecko to its Pokeball and sent out his Beedrill. Beedrill picture appeared on the scoreboard under the blackened picture of Treecko.

R.J. just caught Beedrill, so he was worried that Beedrill might not listen to him, but he wanted to try. “Beedrill, Poison Sting!”

Beedrill swooped down towards Nuzleaf and hit it with the stingers on its arms. Nuzleaf flew back.

“Nuzleaf, hit it with your Bullet Seed!”

“Beedrill, Agility!”

Nuzleaf shot seeds at Beedrill, but it quickly flew around, dodging the attacks.

“Hit it with another Poison Sting!”

Beedrill again hit Nuzleaf with its stingers. But this time, Nuzleaf was knocked out. The picture of it on the scoreboard darkened.

“Nuzleaf return. Go, Exeggcute!”

Rass returned Nuzleaf to its Pokeball and sent out Exeggcute, which looked like a group of six rotten eggs. Its picture appeared on the scoreboard, below Nuzleaf.

“Exeggcute, Leech Seed!”

Exeggcute launched several glowing seeds at Beedrill, and once they hit, they started implanting themselves in Beedrill’s body, draining the energy out of it.

“Beedrill, Fury Attack!”

“Exeggcute, Barrier!”

Beedrill swooped down towards Exeggcute, but before it could get near it, it seemed to hit an invisible wall. All the while, its energy was being drained by Leech Seed.

“Exeggcute, Confusion!”

Exeggcute stared at Beedrill, and suddenly Beedrill flew towards the wall and smashed into it. Then it flew over to the other wall and smashed into it.”

“Beedrill, what are you doing?”

Rass grinned. “Exeggcute confused Beedrill it has no clue what it’s doing!”

Beedrill helplessly continued to slam into the wall until it dropped, knocked out. Beedrill’s scoreboard picture darkened.

“Beedrill, return. Well, it’s all up to you, buddy. Pidgey, go!”

R.J. sent out his first Pokemon, a Pidgey. Its picture appeared under the darkened Beedrill’s picture.

“Pidgey, use Gust!”

Pidgey then started to form what looked like a small tornado. He then launched it at Exeggcute, sending it flying and knocking it out.

“What?” Rass said. Exeggcute’s picture darkened on the scoreboard.

“Gust is a Flying-type move. Exeggcute is a Grass-type. The attack was therefore more powerful.”

“Fine. Exeggcute, return. Go, Bulbasaur!”

Rass returned his Exeggcute and sent out his first Pokemon, Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur's picture appeared on the scoreboard.

“Pidgey, Gust!”

Pidgey again charged up a small tornado and launched it at Bulbasaur. This attack also sent Bulbasaur flying, but it did not knock it out.

“Come on, Bulbasaur.” Rass encouraged. Suddenly, Bulbasaur began to glow and turn white. It grew bigger, and the bulb on it’s back expanded. It was now a new Pokemon. The new Pokemon’s picture replaced Bulbasaur’s picture on the scoreboard.

“Yes!” Rass cheered. “It evolved.”

“What is that?” R.J. decided to check his Pokedex.

“Ivysaur. The seed Pokemon. The evolved form of Bulbasaur. When the bud on this Pokemon’s back gets too large, it loses the ability to stand on its hind legs.”

“When a Pokemon gets enough experience, it will evolve into a bigger and more powerful Pokemon.” Rass told R.J.

“I know what evolution is. Let’s just finish this battle.”

“As you wish. Ivysaur, Solarbeam!”

Ivysaur began to gather energy into its bud and then shot all the energy out as a beam strait at Pidgey.


The beam hit Pidgey and he fell to the ground.

“Pidgey, please get up!”

And he did, but he was very weak.

“Ivysaur, fire another Solarbeam at Pidgey!”

It again gathered energy into a beam and was ready to launch. R.J. knew if it hit, it would be the end of Pidgey. Suddenly, he had an idea.

“Pidgey, charge up a Gust, but don’t launch it!”

Pidgey looked confused, but nevertheless it charged up a small tornado. That’s when Ivysaur shot its Solarbeam. The beam hit the small tornado and the energy got sucked inside, causing the Gust to turn green.

“Now Pidgey, launch the Gust!”

Pidgey launched the powered-up Gust at Ivysaur, and it hit it, causing Ivysaur to fly back and hit the Gym wall. It tried to stand up, but it collapsed, knocked out. Ivysaur’s picture darkened, and a big X appeared on Rass’ picture.

R.J. raised a fist of victory and leaped into the air. “We did it, Pidgey! We beat the first Gym Leader!”

“Pid-pid!” Pidgey flew over to R.J. shoulder, and R.J. began stroking it.

“Ivysaur, return.” Rass walked over to R.J. “R.J., that was the best battle I ever had. Even though I lost, my old friend Bulbasaur evolved, which is something I’ve always wanted to happen. Here is the Forest Badge. You deserve it.”

He gave R.J. the Forest Badge, which was a green badge that looked like a tree. “Thank you,” R.J. told him.

“By the way, the closest Gym is in Notsoli Town, not far from here. Just go east and cross a big meadow and a small road and you’ll be there.

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”

After healing his Pokemon at the Pokemon Center, R.J. headed east towards what he was sure would bring him another excellent battle and another badge.

Mr Cat Dogâ„¢

You know how it's in parts. When are you going to get to Part 2 - as you didn't get to it before the forums went down? Still going strong bye the way...

Archangel R.J.

Spikeshell Trainer
Part 2 will start when Part 1 is finished... naturally. Part 2 will technically be another fic, so it'll be shown in a different thread.

By the way, did you guys have different screen-names before the forums went down? I don't recognize any of you other then Sandra and Sceptile.

Mr Cat Dogâ„¢

Nope - I'm just the same old Mr Cat Dog. When I read your threads I didn't reply because all I wanted to say had been said. I also started reading your threads in about December/January time.


I'm lucky to recognize anyone by now. Keep going with getting the chapters up, I cannot wait to see what happened.