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R/S/E Game Corner question


< Is tha best
For some reason I can't find accurate guides on the Mauville Game Corner. That leaves me with these questions:

1. Do you really get a higher win percentage on the Mauville Game Corner service day? I don't notice any difference.
2. What does the real time mean? I presume it's the thing where Pikachu is watching a scrolling bar, but it always lands on zero for me. Presumably, it has to do with the thunderbolts on the top of the screen that you can collect by lining up pikachu's.
3. Is there a good online guide about the game corner? If so please post a link.


Grass Pokemon Guru
Then why don't I notice anything?

Yeah duh, but what does it do?

u dont need to get sassy at ppl when all they r goin is answering ur questions