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Radiata Stories


Rainbow Trainer
Is anybody else interested in this game? Not a lot coverage has been given to this rpg and the game is looking pretty good. It's from the makers of Star Ocean and boasts a similar battle system, 40-50 hours of gameplay, and around 177 party members to collect.

It's about a war with the dwarves,dragons,dark elves,light elves,vs. the humans. Well something like that. The main character, Jack Russel (not a dog)
wants to be a knight who teams up with a girl named Ridly who's family makes her become a knight and they get caught up in a war.

It comes out the 6/7 of September.

Edit: I forgot to say it comes out on the PS2.
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Sonozaki Maya

realized seraph
Would Radiata Stories be released in English on that release date? Because I'd kill to see [spoil]Valkyrie/Lenneth[/spoil] kick major ***. And what about the [spoil]Iseria Queen[/spoil]? She's tough as heck. And then.. there's that... Well... I want it. Like. I SERIOUSLY want it.


I have Radiata Stories and love it (as is evident by my username and sig...). It's fantastic in every single way, especially the storyline. I hate Cross though, he's annoying. But I'm not going to say too much for those of you who havn't beaten yet and plan to.

Ridley Rocks! :D...she starts out as a b**** but she comes around...and is quite cute btw...