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RAF 1: Invention of the Bazooka! Signups!

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Coiled Flame

New Member
RAF 1: Invention of the Bazooka! Round 1, Cycle 1-Choices please!

This is a little game thats really quite, quite fun. Here are the rules, borrowed from another forum:
The Rules:
Each round you will have 3 options.
1.) Shoot another player.
2,) Shoot yourself.
3.) Shoot Air (do nothing)
If a player is shot, he or she is dead. If a player shoots his or her self, and are subsiquently shot by another player the other player dies instead. If a player shoots his/her self, and is not shot by another player, that player dies.
The surviving players of each round move on to the next one. Once there is only one person left, that player gets a bonus point and everyone dead comes back to life for a new round.

Wrath of DoG edit:If a player doesnt send me a choice by the time I've calculated results, that player will "time out" for the current round, and be modkilled. 3 timeouts = DQ.

The scoring will go like this.
Players A-F

Results are that players A, C, and F are still alive. All of them get one point for surviving.
They go again, and the result is that A and C are alive. They both get a point for surviving again.
They go again, if A comes out the winner, he gets a point, if they both die, no points.
This is the important part: IF THEY BOTH LIVE, NO POINTS. This keeps players from racking up points by agreeing to not do anything. Any result of no death results in no points, and I will modkill each player in the event that everyone shoots air.

Wrath of DoG edit: If you are the last player standing in a cycle, I'll give you one bonus point, in addition to the one point you already get for surviving.

First player to amass 10 points is declared the winner.
The Signups will close on Friday, October 20th at 1:30 Pacific time. Any number of people may sign up.
List of participants:
Chancellor Hivemind.
Captain Swampert
shooting star
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<<< MY BISHIE!!!!!!!
i dont really get it either, but ill do it

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Fine.I will sign up.

Coiled Flame

New Member
Signups Closed!
For the first cycle, everyone will have 48 hours to pm me there choice or they will shoot air. In future rounds, whoever doesn't send a choice will gettimed-out the first time, and modkilled permanently the second.
Choices, please!


<<< MY BISHIE!!!!!!!
i pm'd u also

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Me too.......

Coiled Flame

New Member
Woops, forgot to check here. Drummerdude, Jukain, and shooting star all time out.
OmegaWeavile is experimenting in his workshop, inventing the new machine of the century. As he finishes it, a small chemical reaction blows up the lab, and everyone in it dies. Captain Swampert sees the explosion, and runs over. He finds the bazooka OmegaWeavile was working on lying in the rubble. He picks it up, and upon seeing Jukain:), his mortal enemy, fires 4 quick shots to his head. Jukain is eliminated permanently, and Captain Swampert runs off. Chancellor Hivemind is watching all this from a nearby rooftop. Filled with desire for the miraculous invention, as Captain Swampert passes below, he drops a large boulder on his head, killing him instantly. He creeps down the wall, but does not see the bazooka anywhere. Chancellor Hivemind then goes off in search of it. snorlaxlife42 is going for his morning stroll, and finds Captain Swampert lying on the ground with his head smashed. Snorlaxlife42 picks up the bazooka, and goes on topof the main arch in the town center. As shooting star goes on his daily criminal search, snorlaxlife42, a criminal himself, decides to rid the world of a police oficer and fires a rocket into shooting stars stomach.
Round 1, Cycle 1 results!
Chancellor Hivemind
shooting star
Captain Swampert
Cycle two choices, please! This time, I will be on time! If you time out, YOU WILL BE MODKILLED AND DEAD FOR THE ENTIRE GAME.
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