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Raichu Moveset

Plz rate my ;026; moveset.
Rain Dance
Double Team
Iron Tail

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Don't like the Iron tail... switch it with bodyslam. Better accuracy...
As for the rest, It's cool. :p

Double Team
Body Slam


Well-Known Member
Don`t thunder dance unless you have other water pokemon and I`d suggest surf on Raichu if you can get it
Deposit 1499 eggs in Pokemon Box.

However, RainDancing Raichu fails since it's walled by the special Pokemon it can harm with Focus Punch. =/ Use Sirnight's set with Encore > Thunder Wave so you can get free Substitutes against stat-upping moves and force the AI to switch in-game.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
A Raichu with Substitute and Focus punch? And I always thought that Raichu's attack stat was crap...
*Sarcasm-o-meter blows up*