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Random art from Chareon!



Yup. This is just what the title says. I'm gonna post my art here. Most of it's related to my fanfiction, Price of Freedom, but you don't have to have read it to enjoy it.

Also, I don't have a scanner, so the quality of the image itself is aweful. (I used my digital camera). But, whatever. Reply and tell me what you think!

Here's the first one. It's kind of a spoiler, so if you're reading my fanfic, and don't wanna see it, don't click on it. And if you ARE reading PoF, and STILL clicked on it, if you comment in the PoF thread, spoiler tags are a concept.

Now that all that's out of the way...


What do you think? It's kind of manga / almost chibi style, which at the moment is all I can draw. BUT, I'm working on it! xD

;196; ~Chareon


Ooh, maaaan!
Due to the quality of the pic, I'm having trouble distinguishing whether it's good or not. From what I can see, the face is alright but then the detail diminishes once we get down to the pants. You could add some shading there, man, her legs look awful flat.

And is that a Mew in her arms? How come fics always gotta deal with Mew? Just 'cos it's all pink and cute doesn't mean it has to get all the attention. :(


You could add some shading there, man, her legs look awful flat.

That's probably a good idea. I just haven't quite learned how to shade very well, at least, not really. Hmm... -scurries off to fix-

And is that a Mew in her arms? How come fics always gotta deal with Mew? Just 'cos it's all pink and cute doesn't mean it has to get all the attention.

Well, when you have so many fables and stuff about Mew being the mother of all pokemon, it's no wonder so many have her in it. Don't worry though, my fic's WAY origional! -shrugs- And not ALL fics have Mew in them. -shrugs again-

Glad you like her face, though!

Hybrid Fusion Blaziken

Be it a sign of HFB?


Uhm. Yeah. That absolutely HAS to be spam.

Don't do it to my thread. Ever again.


Anyone else have any opinions that MATTER?

Rätsel Feinschmecker

Mystery Gourmet
Hm... Let's see here...

I can still see some of the guidelines you used, so you may want to take care of that.

She doesn't have much of a forehead. Remember that the eyes are placed halfway on the head.

Her hands look like paws. I would suggest practicing drawing hands by either referencing your own or other images.

Mew doesn't look like it has much of a head or neck. Its head needs to be bigger. Its body needs to be more rounded as well. Its tail needs to be thinner, but you can leave the tip alone.

She has no groin. Defining it would also help separate her legs and give them some depth.

There's hardly enough shading to make any difference. Shade the entire body part and bring out highlights with an eraser. In addition, you should add varying degrees of darkness to your shading. Have you ever shined a light on something? Note the highlight on top, and how it gradually becomes darker when the surface of the object gets farther from away the light source.

I can see you've already got a nice sense of proportions; now it's all a matter of how you define them.


She has no groin. Defining it would also help separate her legs and give them some depth.
Oh. My. Gosh. Her legs have been ticking me off ever since I drew her, and now I know why! I'll have to fix that... -scurries off-

A lot of the other things you pointed out (thanks for them) I can't fix, as I already penned her.

I can see you've already got a nice sense of proportions; now it's all a matter of how you define them.
Thanks much! I'll take all you have said into consideration for my next drawing, and I won't ink it in until I get some help!

Fankees! -bows-

;196; ~Chareon


Salingerian Phony
I don't think that's shading; I think they're just remnants of construction lines. I'm not sure why people have to insist that everything be shaded; not shading is a stylistic choice.

As for my thoughts, something about that Mew makes it look really limp, like a stuffed animal. I think it's because of the way she's holding Mew (which is by the neck, something you should never do with any animal) and the way Mew's legs just hang down like that. (It also looks like a gummi bear.)


I don't think that's shading; I think they're just remnants of construction lines.
Quite right. I didn't realize that's what he was was talking about.

I'm not sure why people have to insist that everything be shaded; not shading is a stylistic choice.
You have a point. If you want to please a crowd, you kinda HAVE to shade something... Which, of course, I'm no good at.

(which is by the neck, something you should never do with any animal)
Heh. No, don't worry, Mitah knows better than to hold Mew by the neck - haven't you noticed, Mew doesn't HAVE much of a neck. That's the point I was trying to get across.

Well, thanks for the information. Like I said before, there isn't much I can do to fix this drawing any more, but I just got some good books on drawing and will probably be posting more pictures soon.

;196; ~Chareon


Salingerian Phony
I beg to differ...I almost never shade what I draw. (For a free sample, look below.) I'll only shade for atmospheric purposes. You can get by without shading too. It's just that when you try to put an "anime" look to your stuff, people will expect shading since very few anime go by without shading. Of course, even then, they can go by just fine. Digimon: The Movie's middle act has no shading at all. Instead, the precise outlining defines the 3-dimensional shapes of the characters.

Now that I see it again (the penciling is completely gone, and it's a lot smaller all of a sudden), I see she isn't holding Mew by the neck. The way Mew's legs just droop down still makes it look limp though.


I was trying to get a stuffed animal - ish look to Mew, and that's probably why her legs look so limp.

Of course, even then, they can go by just fine.
Sure hope so. I did discover that I'm okay at shading with colored pencils... I'll post a random drawing I did as soon as I get scanner access...

I think I'll put that on my Christmas list, come to think of it...

Thanks muchly. -bows-

;196; ~Chareon