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Random Dragons Sketch

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I'm always getting bored. *sighes*

Do Not Pity Me

It's two random dragons. The one that is walking can no longer fly because his wings are torn. Sorry if it's too big.*sweatdrops*
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I don't have any coloring programs besides MS Paint and I'm still trying to learn how to use it. Other than that, I suck at coloring.


Art does not need to have color to be of quality.

There's a free decent art program named GIMP found at GIMP.org, a friend showed me it and I use it every time I make art now.

I like the detaling on the wings. It's elegant.


Well-Known Member
This is, without a doubt, some amazing line art. You've really done well with those dragons - I love the simplicity of it all.

Like Infinity said, colour doesn't heighten quality at all, and this is certainly top-quality work.

Fantastic job, I'd love to see more.
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