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Random hopefuly good stuff~


Well-Known Member
Hey, Im not sure if the Fan Art section is pretty much just pkmn fan art, but I have other stuff to show too...

Theyr nothing special, just random drawings in anime style... Im still learning.... havnt actualy done any drawings in a while (Im out of prectice eh^^'')

But anyways, here you go, and sry for quality of pics, had to take them with a cam, dnt have a scanner:


First one is a fan pic, he he~Pika~


Random chibi I made up, simple but all so cute >.<




An RPG style alchemist character I made up...

As youv probably noticed, Im most comftarble using ball point and pencil~ Im not good with colours either, and Id love how to use photoshop and stuff to be able to do so...
Anyways, here you go, criticism accepted, just don be rude about pls^^

mods> If pic size is too big, just PM me and Ill replace them with links insted...


Hey, Im not sure if the Fan Art section is pretty much just pkmn fan art, but I have other stuff to show too..
Yes, of course you can post non-Pokemon art here.

Okay, here we go:

Wow, the first two drawing just ooze cuteness. That stylized Pikachu is adorable, with its tiny little cheeks and its highly exaggerated tail. Great job.
The second picture is just as awesome, with the little bug thing that looks like a Manaphy's head at first glance. And are those Exeggcute off to the right? That's extremely charming. I love how each of them has a different stereotypical anime expression (needs one with a giant sweatdrop though). Nice work!

Now we move on to the humans and here's where we run into problems.
While I must say that they are above average drawings overall, my drawing standards are a bit high so let's see how they can be improved upon. First, the angel girl. She's nude so this is an nice oppurtunity to study the human figure (and even though anime is more stylized, it's heavily based on reality, abeit much more idealistic). One noticeable flaw is in the arms. Her arms are bent at an extremetly awkward and physically impossible angle after they pass the knee. Human arms can only bend upwards at the elbow joint, not downwards like what it seems in the picture. So edit that part. Also the placement of the hands is just lackluster. Hiding them behind her leg so that you won't have to draw the fingers...one would think that you weren't very proficient in drawing hands. Which is okay, a lot of beginner artists encounter trouble with that appendage. But the only way you can learn is to actually do them. So don't hide the girl's hands, show them out in the open. Maybe put them together so she looks like she is praying? It would make sense considering that she's an angel and it would be an overall much more evocative piece.
Another problem is the neck. Now I know your style is more exaggereted, but still, having a neck that skinny makes her look like an alien (or at least a severely malnourished human being). Thicken it up a bit.

Okay, the fourth and final drawing. This one came out in the lowest quality, which is a shame as I wish I could read all the text around the character. So let's see...
First thing I notice is that the character's build is too straight and too stiff. I wouldn't be surprised to find a wooden board underneath that robe because that's how rectatilinear the figure is. This guy is male and the average males have broad shoulders which gently slant together to the waist and then very slightly expand when they reach the hips. I don't see any of that in this figure and I should, because his belt is tied around his waist so that robe around the torso is not as loose and free as on the arms and around the legs.
His overall torso is also a bit too elongated. If you draw a box around him, you'll get a skinny rectangle. Even tall humans have torsos that fit in a square more or less. The length of their legs makes up for the rest of the height.
So basically for this guy...broaden his shoulders and narrow his waist to fit more accurate human proportions and decrease the size of his torso.

Overall, they are nice sketches, though they show up bad on the computer. You really do need Photoshop, but that's okay. Keep practicing on paper.


The power of the sun
Well, i like all the drawings, to me the angel is the best drawing, why well although u made mistakes ( Which aragornbird pointed out so i dont want to repeat them) u hid them quite well, the sketchy stlye ( in which i mean, the rough kinda lines and actually i do this a lot too ) draws the attention away from the problems. One other thing though that i want to point out that aragornbird didnt is that the "chest" of the angel looks a little wierd, im not sure wut it is, it looks like thay are "saggy". The face though looks really good to me.


I'm Back!
Excellent stuff!

aragornbird has said a lot of what I wanted to say, but I just want to add about the angel:
The problem with the neck is because you have it extending from her back. Make it come out from her torso. (I can see your guidelines, so to make it easier to understand, the neck is a cylinder stacked on top.)

Ra mentioned the breasts too, and I think the problem is that they look like they're just added on as spheres, or something. Sure, this is a good start, (And starting them under the armpit is good too,) but let them hang a little (After all, she's nude and doesn't have anything to hold them up!) At the moment they look like they're jutting out of her chest...

Anyway, I'm not an expert but I think your stuff is great. Keep on drawing!


Well-Known Member
aragornbird> Thank you for both the compliments and criticism^^

Yeah, I knew both the humans looked awkward, perticuarly the angel. I'm not of a perfectionist, so if I make mistakes, I usualy just try to cover them up or somthing. I did realise that her neck, arms and shoulders look completly awkward. I'm still trying to learn how to do realistic positions and perspective (specialy on humans eh^^''). I have attended life portrait lessons, thats what has braught me to the level I am now, although of course, practice makes perfect~ when I have the money, I'll go to more.
As for the hands and fingers, yes, I do still have problem with them...and with feet too to be honest. Its hard to judge how much detail you should put in them.
lol, and also her breasts, I realised them before, but as I said, I just let them slide, seeing as I was doing this in pen and couldn't realy rectify it without messing up too much.

As for the guy, I was going for a more rigid look actualy, to show some sort of elitness or the impression of an 'educated man'. But maybe it is too rigid^^''
I'm also having problems with clothing and materials and how they fit onto the human body. So I'll bear the belt in mind, it realy does look like its a little too low down.

As for the 'cute' things, no they arnt Exeggcute, just random blobs~lol... I might have some other ones with different experssions on them, but I'll keep them for another time.

Light Venusaur> I did base the glove tthe character has on Ed's metalic arm. As I said, he's an rpg style alchemist, the glove I gave is meant to be an equipment to help with potions and stuff... glad you like it^^

Alecat+Ra>funny how one says they are saggy, they other they are the opposit^^''
Well, Im still working on perspective, as you can see, the angel is a sort of angle.
And I also like guidelines and rough sketch still visible in my work actualy. It gives it that extra, I dunno how to describe it, feel to it.

Anyways, thanks again peeps =]


I'm Back!
Well, they're kinda supposed to be a bit saggy. Gravity does do that... I think we just interpreted the lines a bit differently.

I actually really love the feet (or at least, the hinting of feet) on your angel.

Classes are a great idea, but you don't just need classes to practice! Just keep drawing :D