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random question about castform


Well-Known Member
If u catch a shiny castform and it changes forms will it look like it normaly does or will it have a shiny touch to it? i've always wondered lol same as the ditto question but i found that out


<- You Will Be Mine
Castform:I dunno, i think it still looks the same.

Ditto:When it's transforms, and if Ditto is shiny, the pokemon it transfoms into will be shiny.


I am the game
There is no shiny weather forms of castform only the normal.


Well-Known Member
People don't seem to understand that posting the same as the above poster is SPAM and should and will be reported.

-I didn't think that there were shiny variations of the Weather Forms, only a shiny base Castform.
-Castform:I dunno, i think it still looks the same.

-Castfroms variations don't have a shiny form.
-There is no shiny weather forms of castform only the normal.
-No (10 Character Limit)



Well-Known Member
Yea its only the normal type Castform that goes shiny