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Random work on MS Paint :P


Get the Point?
I was basically drawing whatever came to mind on MS paint and decided to do something random. My sayia-jin character, Couric, at the age of 6 or 7 with his bangs so huge that they look like they could cover his face XD

Well anyways, its been the longest time since I've submitted any art on Serebiiforums(around the time when I stopped doing Blazer the Shrink comics) and thus, here is something to show if I've actually gotten better or not.

Sure the shading might not be that good and the hair might look wierd, but I'm sure I can come up with some sort of whacky excuse for that, right? No? Damn.....

Oh and I was too lazy to add a background :p

Heh. That's really cute! Pretty good for just MS Paint. Coloring on the hair looks nice, but what would I know? I can't color to save my life XD


look a portkey!
for ms paint quite good