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Ranger _ best PokeAssist for Hariyama???


Better then you
I just circled like crazy. But since that didn't work. I caught a Kirlia from behind a breakable door. Just get a Graveler and break the door on the other side you find Hariyama. There should be a Machop and something else there too. You know wear that is right?


got the password for manaphy mission but my dad won't tell me unless i have at least 6 a's on my report card


How did your dad figure out the code?!? Work hard in school!!!


ooo, what's cooking?
got the password for manaphy mission but my dad won't tell me unless i have at least 6 a's on my report card

What grade r u? I will ask my dad to help me and I'll pass it on to u! I SWEAR, WE NEED THAT, GET IT.

On the subject of captures, to get hariyama, which is hard, use physcic assists, because it's a fighting type. U can use Plusle/Minun at full power, works just as well maybe better...
I just circled it quickly and that worked, though if it doesn't work for you, try capturing a diglett and using its ground assist, that helps lots.

super nova

flygon owns ALL!!!!!
i used diglett
yeah your dads got the password and i saw bigfoot come out of my butt

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
got the password for manaphy mission but my dad won't tell me unless i have at least 6 a's on my report card


XD, if is did find it thats awesome :) if somone points me to the place where you have to figure out the code I could try and figure it out.
It is quite easy.... get a Diglett or Minun/Plusle stun. Its really easy.