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Ranger Card Design (New)


-- Fear Dawn &&
. . . : : [ - Ranger Card - ] : : . . .
. : : [ - © 2006, Silon/Darien/Iceman - ] : : .


My new idea of a 'Ranger Card'.
Includes headshot, torso sprite,
official Ranger logo, and partner.


i have never seen a ranger card before. creative. since it is the 1st one it hast to be teh best i have seen of it but it can have improvement. ex. give it a card border so it looks better. that is all it really needs. A-


-- Fear Dawn &&
There's an actual official Ranger Card in the game, but I made this cause I was bored. xD Rixo, if you really want one, supply me with a headshot and sprite. (In a PM please)