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Ranger; Mew Mission Info


Advanced Spriter
I didn't see anything about this, so I posted.

About the Mew mission, I figured out you have to find Mew in an area, but it will flee in about 15 seconds. I'm guessing you have to be really fast with your styler after using Minun's discharge, because once you're about down to 1, he becomes free. I'm still working on it myself.

Hints and Tips:

1. Try to avoid other pokemon once about to battle Mew. Make it a single battle.
2. Be very fast with your styler.
3. Get your yellow bar thingy up to full before using Minun's discharge.

If this isn't more info, consider it stradegies (sp?).


Well-Known Member
A couple:
-Try to get an Aridos, Mew seems to stay longer in teh goop than Discharge
-Do NOT try to use Heracross after trapping Mew in Aridos(or any other bug assister) webbing. The web seems to fade faster if you don't keep aridos.
-Instead, if your determind to use Heracross(its fighting assist), use a full discharge THEN heracross as soon as regain control.

C.J. Ray

I wanted Shaymin! :(
Shedinja's assist.

That's all I'm saying. :D


PokeMon Professor
What I'm going to try is a discharge from my Minun, followed by some power circling, and I'll probably get it. I'm hoping I have enough mastery of power circling to catch mew.