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Ranger Population Dropping Down

Well, accoring to Serebii.net on today's update, the Manyphy mission is no longer in-game; it was a mistake. Now, since the Manaphy mission isn't in-game, its looks like the only way we'll ever be able to get Manaphy is by wi-fi trading, and as a result Ranger definitly won't sell much more copies


christian 4ever
yeah thats..sad specially that we know that we can capture every single pokemon in dp exept all old starters and legendaries bu we cannot get almos anything know because you have to see manafi to get the national dex in d/p

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
That's why i don't bother buying these games until a week after they are released because all this "Manaphy is not in-game" crap is revealed...


christian 4ever
@Zaraze: I doubt you have to get Manaphy. I don't remember Jirachi and Deoxys counting against you in Pokémon Emerald when you had to get all the Hoenn Pokémon in order to recive a Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile

because is a different pokemon game..who says it has to be the same


Completing The Trio
you don't have to see manaphy to get the national dex this games pokedex is like the first generations it only consists of 150 pokemon

the 151st was only ever available as an event pokemon, but was never needed to complete the pokedex

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
I was about to buy ranger tommorow for manaphy, but now its revealed you can't get it in-game, so I'm not getting it.


Well-Known Member
Acording to serribi net Manaphy... Now that Manaphys gone... the general flavour of most of these threads.
You can not deny that the Manaphy issuse thats effecting this threads was't started by me.
I'm just telling my view on it in it's apropreate place.

I supose we should look for small mercies in that the other 3 missions are there (Thats my attmpt to turn the topic away from Manaphy if that fails then..)

Alas we are Fioneless


Well-Known Member
I dont think the sale of the Ranger game is going to drop that much.
Besides, it will be the only thing besides MD that will keep me busy untill D/P.


Well-Known Member
oh well, I can't get manaphy, a rare legendary. They never have events here in california, so it doesn't matter. I'm still going to buy the game, nothing is going to change my mind.