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ranger question


Dragon Master
where do i catch groudon, kyogre, and rayquaza. is it a special mission or something else.
ur help will be greatly valued


Well-Known Member
Check the spin-off dex in serebii.net. Also, it shouldn'y be an event mission since they're in the game.


Well-Known Member
Just a question, can ranger transfer pokemon other than manaphy to diamond and pearl for example a chikorita?


99% chance to hit
yes that is the cold hard truth now spread the word before anyone else asks.


Dragon Master
ok i found groudon if any body needs helps looking for kyogre or groudon heres some help

after u have finished all the main missions go to fall city and go to the lad and talk to the professer then after that ull go find kyogre

after that mission go to ur home base and talk to the head ranger and ull go to summer land and fight groudon