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Ranks and what are they for?

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Well-Known Member
What are the differant ranks and what do they help u do??
when are they awarded?

thanks in advance;444;


They are for accumulating posts.

You get a new picture. That's about it.

One of the more pointless parts of SPPf.


The Amazing chester
To make that more explanatory, It's like the Elitist members of this forum who think that all New members are thick, and all Spam. I know cool n00bs, and also some annoying old members

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
To make that more explanatory, It's like the Elitist members of this forum who think that all New members are thick, and all Spam. I know cool n00bs, and also some annoying old members
Yup, thats right.

There are also persons that posts a LOT, but still is in the lower ranks, because they just hang around in parts of the forum where post doesn't count.
I think ranks are cool because it encourages people to vote for example if someone really liked fire pokemon and they were on Misty then they would post a lot so they could get to Blaine I think that's pretty much it.


The Amazing chester
Yeah, but that'd just show how sad they are. I mean, you post for meainging, not to get some stupid pic that you'll lose within another 20-50 posts
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