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rare candy

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So Zetta Slow!
can't remember were rare candies are...
...found by pickup...
...give shuckle a berry and let it hold the berry for a loooooong time and it'll be a berry juice and let it hold the juice for a loooooooong time again and it would be a rare candy...

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
At least there are one at a small piece of land in the cycling road water.


Leave my posts alone
There's one to the VERY West of Lilycove, you'll have to use Surf on the small river/lake thingy. Should be invisible....I think...

I also think there's one in the lake of Petalburg (on the land itself), but that maybe be something else...

Deadly Arbok

Darkness Dragon
I found my rare candies by clicking in suspicious places ( they are invisible) Having a zigzagoon is good aswell, because they oftrn pick up rare candys

Horn Drill

Pickup is the best way to get them, but it's always been easier for me to get them this way on FR/LG.
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