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rare candy


Master Breeder
the one that was RCed up won't have any EVs, and therefore may have up to 127 fewer stat points, assuming they have identical IVs/natures.


. . .
Level 100s raised with battles tend to be EV trained and have better stats. Ones raised with only candies will not give them EVs, thus giving them only average stats.


Knight of Oblivion
a pokemon raised on rare candies don't get EV's counted towards their stats....so a Pokemon that is raised through pure battling is stronger


were not open anymor
umm yeeah where exactly did you get that many rare candies??


OG Trainer
rare candy pokes are way weaker compared if they got trained in battle. I used Ar for rare candy to raise my pokes. But most of them was on lv 60-70 so they werent getting much stronger anyway. but on battles I trained like 10 or 12 on my own to lv 100. I was just being lazy. Plus it saved time. but train them through battle.


.:Guilty Love
Once you finish giving them EVs, Rare Candies won't affect any stats, or so I've been told.

So EV training and then Rare Candying is perfectly ok. o-o

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
No you can't. You need to raise the Pokemon a level to get the EV's in the stat so if you get a Pokemon to level 100 and then train it in the stats, you won't get the stat-ups because you need to raise it a level to get them.


Furret rocks
It's better to EV train, and then Rare Candy up.


Veteran smartass
They can clone Pokemon that hold them on Emerald, or cheat.

u dont need to clone pokes to clone items o_o
i cloned like 3 pokes and erased them after it....but i have cloned like 400rare candys...i use them to check the ivs and sometimes to train to lvl100 after i ev trained
^it matters it's possible for those who ev train in secret bases, it can take 10 levels, at lv99, you won't even get a lv up in base training


A pokemon trained with rare candies doesn't get any effort points.


Well-Known Member
the one that was RCed up won't have any EVs, and therefore may have up to 127 fewer stat points, assuming they have identical IVs/natures.

63.75 is the maximum difference because every 4 effort points you gain you get 1 point extra to your stat. You can use maximum of 255 ev on a single stat. 255/4=63.75 which is 63 or 64.


Master Breeder
63.75 is the maximum difference because every 4 effort points you gain you get 1 point extra to your stat. You can use maximum of 255 ev on a single stat. 255/4=63.75 which is 63 or 64.

i was talking about the total difference, not the difference in a stat. 510 EVs total / 4 EVs per stat = 127 stat points.