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Rarest of achievements

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Expert Evan

Old Fogey
Whether it would be finding and capturing feebas, that shiny pokemon, or that rare item, what would you consider to be your personal rarest accomplishment in the pokemon games?

items and pokemon traded from others, and cheat devices do not count here.

For starters, my rarest accomplishment is getting a shiny magby by egg since magmar is very rare to begin with in the Leaf Green version, and having it shiny as a magby just makes it all the most special.


My rarest achievement was getting my shiny stantler off colosseum :)


Heat Trainer
rarest achievment today, was to win a pp up in the lotto. Overall id say gettin two shinies in sky tower, duskull and sable eye,


**_ IS FEMALE _**
i know some severe UN-luck... but it was on stadium1. spore missed three times in a row. grr, stupid 1/256 chance of miss...

as for luck... it was probably when i got my golden tropius.


Got a Jackpot two times in a sitting the game cornal in the roulettes. 144 coins!

And caught Feebasm in a easy to find square.

Fire Ranger

Power Ranger Trainer
I would have to say my luckiest moment was restarting Ruby for Trading a Treecko and getting a modest shiney one on my first try.

Deoxys Prime

Time will tell.
My luckiest event was finding a shiny magneton in new mauville, getting a shiny treecko, or getting Deoxys :D


Obtaining Feebas and Milotic was awesome. I wish there were more Pokemon that were as difficult to catch as Feebas.


Find and catching a shiny Wobbuffet in the Safari Zone :) That was, and is, a thrill :)

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
getting 2 shinies, same type and nature

completed pokedex


The first Pikachu I caught on my Emerald was holding a light ball. I think that's rather lucky.

Water Blue

My luckiest thing was catching Feebas. It has such a funny story:
There is a friend of mine called Gabriel. He has an apartment in the same builing I have(beach building). Once I was in the E4, all my good poke had fainted, and there was only this little fellow called seel that I was training. I was against Gary's tyranitar I think. I used Seel's Ice beam. Gabriel said that no way that a level 57 tyranitar was going to get frozen by a level 29 seel's ice beam. It did. Amazing. I used revive on someone and won the league. Again.
Then one day I was trying to catch a rayquaza with a pokeball without taking any damage. He said it would be impossible. In m first try I caught him. Luck.
And one day I was hunting for the elusive poke Feebas. I was going square by square. There were only 3 to go. Every single time I used my rods, I got carvanhas. I started o hate them. They're nice but I was getting angry at ''em. I said to gabriel:
There are only 3 squares left. Please help me by saying : No way you're finding feebas.
He wouldn't say anything. I found more caravanhas. There was only one spot left. I insisted and he said what I told him to. And guess what? A feebas appeared. Man, that was so cool. Then I asked him to say that a million dollars is going to fall from the sky and I'm going to get it all. He said it but nothing happened. That is my story. It was soooo funny. :D


Rarest achievement is catching a shiny girafarig in the safari zone on the 2nd try. Good thing it didn't run away!
Next is probably catching groudon full health with pokeball.
And the next would be training 4 pokemon in 2-3 days I think to lvl100.


1. Catching Regirock and Regice with an Ultra Ball on my first throw.
2. Finding Feebas on Route 119 and evolving it into a Beauty Contest winning Milotic.


Zephyr Trainer
I'd say, getting 3 shiny's within 2 months o_O

But it annoys me that they only come when I DON'T breed (I breed ALOT) ><

Cable Guy

Caught my first Horsea in Emerald and it was holding a Dragon Scale. That seemed almost too easy. Nothing else aside from that.


perpetually tired
Getting Pokerus on my first day of Sapphire. It has been passed to Ruby and Emerald. It makes EV training TOO easy.


A Shiny Magikarp(Now Gyarados). I was breeding 'Karp for a Egg Sticker. I said "Maybe I should fish for a Shiny one!" First Pogy found was Shiny 'Karp. Then my Shiny Zubat in Victory Road, and my Shiny Pidgeotto.... in One Island. I had to use my Master Ball on it:( Stupid Whirlwind. And tommorow I have the Blend Master and the Half Price Guru. Sweet.


Well-Known Member
my rarest of achievements were chacthing two chimecho in one day.also I chaut a shiny tetacool yesterday[first shiny].


buttbug said:
I'd say, getting 3 shiny's within 2 months o_O

But it annoys me that they only come when I DON'T breed (I breed ALOT) ><

Hmm, I feel your anger! Kinda similar to me although I don't breed so heavily as you do. Still, feels like that breeding for shinies for myself is very unlucky.
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