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Rarest Pokemon In Ruby.

Darkness D.

Fullmetal Alchemist
Yeah I need to know if there is some kind of secret pokemon in ruby. if there are tell me where you got it plz.;412;


Well-Known Member
There are no pokemon like that in Ruby, accept for Lati@s maybe, but I'm sure you know about it.
Unless youre talking about Latios, or the Regis or something?
Shuppet is pretty rare, as is Feebas and Chimecho.
feebas i hate that little fish


Well-Known Member
i know that feebas is rare, but hes rare at all games
i dont think that there is another rare pokemon in ruby


I am the game
feebas may be considered rare, but so can altaria in sky pillar.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
There are the one off legendarys as usual, like rayquaza, lati@s, groudon, kyogre and the regis.

as for 'rare' probably the hardest to find are feebas, chimecho followed by the outbreak pokemon like surskit and skitty, then probably bagon, snorunt, barboach, nosepass and crawdaunt in their small often easy to miss places.


I like pie.
feebas is common if you find the square he is on. the absolute lowest encounter rate in ruby goes to chimecho. curse you for wasting an hour of my time!


Well-Known Member
Here is a list, note that a pokemon was early introduced, it has more of a chance that it will be in someones game.

(these are glitch found pokes)
1.MissingNo (or missigno whatev.)
2.Celebi (either by the celebi factor or by collesium bonus disc)
(event pokes)
3.Mew(was later introduced)
5.Lugia(accecibility was increased lately)
7.Deoxys (it's more common because it can be obtainible throughout other games)
(these are legenderies)
10.Entei/Raikou/Suicune (accesible by frlg AND colo and colo was introduced earlier than xd)
-Then all the fr/lg exclusive pokes
-Then all colo pokes.
Voila, these are the rarest to find on a game list.