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rasphodly in drew

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christian 4ever
may could it won the grand festival...she could it just use her skitty to use blizzard on flygon first who has a x4 weekness to ice and combusken against roselia....does she wants to loose on purpose or something...im glad hikeri is here now but i liked mays pokemon and max


Yeah, ok!
First of all, we have episode discussion threads.

Second of all, WTF are you talking about?

Drew was a much stronger trainer than May back then, of course she was going to lose. Skitty's Blizzard probably wouldn't do much since Flygon can easily avoid it.

Besides that was for the Top 8, May would have had to face Robert afterwards where she would have lost anyway.

It's stupidity at its best to expect a trainer to win their first league, and Hikari won't either.
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