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Rate/Fix My Pearl Team Please.


A Scrub
I would greatly appreciate your advice as it would be fantastic on improving my team. Thanks.

Now before I continue, I like to say that I would need help on mainly the
Movesets/Items of my team, because I'm not totally sure if I have the most beneficial moveset out there, also I like to make a note that I'm not too picky of my pokemon's natures. Thanks again.

1) Gallade (Male)
Level: 66
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Steadfast
Item: ?
- Leaf Blade
- Psycho Cut
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance

2) Weavile (Female)
Level: 73
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Pressure
Item: Life Orb
- Ice Punch
- Night Slash
- Aerial Ace
- Taunt

3) Magmortar (Male)
Level: 46
Nature: Mild
Ability: Flame Body
Item: Choice Specs
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Focus Blast

4) Rhyperior (Male)
Level: 61
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Solid Rock
Item: Leftovers
- Earthquake
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Stone Edge

5) Bronzong (Genderless)
Level: 68
Nature: Mild
Ability: Heatproof
Item: Leftovers
- Explosion
- Toxic
- Heal Block
- Block

6) Dusknoir (Female)
Level: 54
Nature: Calm
Ability: Pressure
Item: Leftovers
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split
- Night Shade
- Substitute

And a possibility...
7) Torterra (male)
Level: 70
Ability: Overgrow
Item: Leftovers
- Earthquake
- Wood Hammer
- Curse
- Synthesis


LOL, Sup?
I would greatly appreciate your advice as it would be fantastic on improving my team. Thanks.

Now before I continue, I like to say that I would need help on mainly the
Movesets/Items of my team, because I'm not totally sure if I have the most beneficial moveset out there, also I like to make a note that I'm not too picky of my pokemon's natures. Thanks again.

? if you are just looking for movesets and items, your in the wrong forum. you should try the moveset forum. you would have more luck...


A Scrub
Well, I forgot to include that an overall synopsis of my team would also be preferrable, and whether I should take in Torterra and take out a pokemon, though I would also like the advice on moveset improvements.