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Rate my Alakasam


I am the game


Blaziken rules!
Very good!


Punches are always good, and the Psychic for STAB. There's still the matter of Shadow Ball being a physical attack, but other than that, there's not much better you can do.

But try Fire Punch instead of Ice Punch to get rid of the Steels. Perhaps even add Fire Punch instead of Shadow Ball...


Volcano Trainer
If you're going to have two punches, they should be Fire and Ice. No Recover? I'd drop Shadowball for it because its attack blows.


Well-Known Member
Here's a good Alakazam moveset:

~Fire Punch
~Thunder Wave

This set works pretty good.Psychic is for STAB.Fire Punch is for bug weakness like Heracross for a example.Recover to regain health back.Thunder Wave is to paralyze the oppenent and possibly avoid damage.


I am the game
Thanks people i duplicated it on my silver lots of times to give all your movesets :)


Go Scizors!!!!!!!!:)
Its ok... I would do

Calm Mind
And either Sassy or Calm Nature