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Rate my art!

Adam 1475

Entei > You
Rainbow lugia:

Evil milotic:

My unnoticable lugia and rayquaza fusion:

Pink Salamence:

My first trainer card:

Third TC:

rate from one to ten.
if i get a overall of twenty,ill make my own shop here :)
Last edited:

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
well since you said so 1/10
these sprites are horrible plain horrible. I gave you a 1 because the pink salamence looks decent. The TC is okay but then again a moron could make a decent TC.
The raibow Lugia looks like what happens when a circle of people throw up.
the other 2 I don't get.
Sorry to be rude but someone with some decency had to say it. :)

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
You call this crap art? >_> Sorry if I seem rude.
Seriously, does that rainbow Lugia look pretty at all?
The trainer card has too much white space.
The pinks don't contrast enough.

Adam 1475

Entei > You
i was bored so i just done whateva i wanted to do.
i am proud at the TC.


Patience? Virtue?
well, my overall for you would be 21, but wanting 20 before you start a shop is low as you have 5 images, you'd only need an average of 4 per picture.
Rainbow lugia: 2
Evil Milotic: 3
Lugia raquaza fusion: 3
Pink Salamence: 7
Trainer Card: 6

Rainbow Lugia: to bitty, the colours don't go well together and overally looks terrible
Milotic: Also a bit bitty, but it's to dark, you can't see its design properly
Lugia: Colouring's pretty bad, also the pictures been saved as another type before you saved it as PNG.

All of those i would suggest doing again, the salamence however is very good, although i tend to like an outline(that's just personal preferance). Also the Trainer Card is simplistic, which is sometimes good if you're giving it a first try

Overall, work on the first 3 and try and get them as a better quality.

Remember, if i'm mean, it's only because i love all of those little pokemon


Chaotic Dreamer
FullaRapNPokemon, I would think that your comments are spam. You're doing nothing to help them. Tell them that they need to practice, but tell them what they should try rather than saying it looks like crap.

Do you know how to make custom colours? Figure that out and keep doing recolours and simple mixes. Simple mixes are not done with legendarys, try something like Pikachu/Jigglypuff or Charmander/Meowth. Also, I would suggest reading some of Dragonfree's or others tutorials.


i'm not going to be as harsh as others here...
they are not very good, BUT if you take some tutorials, they can become good.
on the recolors, don't just add colors everywhere. notice the shades, and do the same. use paints customs colors and make your own spectrum (example: light blue--> blue--> dark blue). then, where it's light put the light blue. Where it's the regular color put blue, ect.

practice, practice a lot


Dazzled By The Roses
wakakakaka....i laugh when i saw that pink salamence....dude, that's cool...salamence suppost to be a fierce pokemon but now it look soo sissy...


tHe sprites 4/10
tc's 8/10
the sprites look like a toddler did 'em. No offense. but u should get some more practice.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but thats not very good.

You shoulve used different colours on the lugia that actually made it look attractive.


I love how when people see the word 'RATE' in a title they automatically think x/10 :)

As Shadow Fox said, mixing ledgendaries isn't easy. Try something simple like Pikachu-Maril.

I'n not sure but I think you saved them as .GIF, as the area around the sprites is very blurred. Always save as .PNG

Default paint colours make puppies cry. Please don't use them. ;)