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Rate my Beautifly's moveset

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Codenumber 242
Here it is:

Stun Spore
Morning Sun
Psychic / Hidden Power [Flying] / Silver Wind
Substitute / Whirlwind / Thief
Item: Leftovers/Nothing
Nature: Jolly
Evs: 236 HP / 20 Def / 252 Spd (Sorry, forgot to check the rest)

Contest Moveset:
Sleep Powder
Stun Spore
Shadow Ball
Item: Green Scarf
Order: 1st - Sleep Powder 2nd - Stun Spore 3rd - Whirlwind 4th - Shadow Ball 5th - Sleep Powder


Codenumber 242
I followed EVERYTHING. That's all.



You can’t use movesets if you don’t know how they work. Copying and pasting is a very noobish thing to do.


Codenumber 242
I actually made it LEARN THOSE moves, so it's NOT copying. I didn't even paste it either.


Well-Known Member
I think that he's just asking if the POTW moveset is actually any good or not.

Also, lol how can you make a pokemon learn 8 moves, why the slashes? It obviously only has one of each, so say which one you used.
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Of course you copied. Including the contest set is a dead give-away. And then you had the guts to call it
"MY Beautifly's moveset".


Well-Known Member
Because he "has the moves". How you can have 3 moves in one slot, I don't know.

They're all options on one slot.

Beautifly doesn't even learn Sleep Powder. .-.


i don't lose
also obviously doesnt know what EVs are either as he says "sorry forgot to check the rest"

some of these threads just make me wanna kill someone


Codenumber 242
Because he "has the moves". How you can have 3 moves in one slot, I don't know.

I'm just wondering which move out of those in the slots. I ocassianly change them for contests.

Hey Micky!

Well-Known Member
1stly, it's not a "Team". Secondly reading through this thread and it's posts justifies it's closure.
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