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rate my blaziken moveset


Chuckie's back....
ok but replace fire blast with flamethrower. you can get it at the game corner
and double kick with aerial ace



Blaziken rules!
Good team!

It's a good team! I have no remarks.


Good at Life.
Sky Uppercut can go away for Brick Break. 100% accuracy is better, if you ask me.

Fire Blast is nice, but I like Flamethrower better because anything under 100% accuracy really means like 70% accuracy (I mean .. seriously, who misses with Aeroblast at 95% 3 times in a row?!).

Double Kick is simply not needed here. You already have a good Fighting move. Either Rock Slide (which Blaziken can learn through a Tutor) or Aerial Ace (Rock Slide's a little better here, since you probably already have a Flyer on your team) would fit this slot much better. Don't forget, he can also learn ThunderPunch if you wanna get that mixed sweeping in :)


i don't lose
lonely, naughty
sky uppercut
rock slide
swords dance
overheat/fire blast/flamethrower

fire blast actually has 85 accuarcy, not 70, which is very good for a power of 120. basically, it's the fire megahorn, which everyone loves using on heracross, so there's no reason not to use it on blaziken. sky uppercut is way better than brick break even if you miss one out of every ten. earthquake won't anything that you aren't hitting just as hard with your other moves, so ditch that for swords dance. you can use overheat since blaziken is supposed to be more physical, so the special attack drop isn't that big of a deal. and blaze kick is a joke, don't ever use it on a serious blaziken.

Sky Uppercut

That's mine ^^


Good at Life.
fire blast actually has 85 accuarcy, not 70, which is very good for a power of 120. basically, it's the fire megahorn, which everyone loves using on heracross, so there's no reason not to use it on blaziken.

oh, i know .. it's just that i have TERRIBLE luck .. the ONE time i used lugia i missed with aeroblast 3 times in a row, and that has 95% acc.

rock slide hits about 2/3 of the time for me and anything under 90% really hits about 50% of the time for me, so i just stick with 100% moves and refuse to let luck do anything.


Well-Known Member
Blaziken @ Leftovers
Trait: Blaze
Adamant Nature (+Att, -Sp.Att)
- Swords Dance/ Bulk Up
- Rock Slide
- Sky Uppercut
- Fire Blast

Bulk Up if you can't get Sword Dance.



You have a lot to learn. Nature’s boost one stat of a Pokémon by 10% and lower another by 10%. Some natures don’t do anything at all. It’s a good idea to train Pokémon that have good natures that boost a very important stat and lower an unimportant stat.

Calm nature means Special Defense up, Attack down. That’s a bad nature for Blaziken.