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Rate my deck


diamond master
Deck Title:Team Volcano deck
team aqua's kyogre-100hp
team aqua's electrike-50 hp
team aqua's mightyena-80hp
team aqua's mightynena-70hp
team aqua's manetric-80hp
pikachu(delta species)-50hp
team aqua's poochyena-40hp
team aqua's poochyena-40hp
trainer cards:5
memory berry
team aqua ball
team magma ball
team aqua belt
team magma technical machine 01

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
This isn't a chatroom, you know...

Well, the setup is terrible. If I'm being honest (which with the amount of decks like this being shown I'm going to be), the deck is terrible.

I'll give you some tips...you need x3 and x4 of cards in your deck. Seriously. Concentrate on only two types, and it'd be so much better if the deck was Modified-legal (i.e. EX Deoxys onwards).

For the ratios I suggest 20 Energy, 22 Pokémon and 18 Trainers, or thereabouts.
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diamond master
i aint

This isn't a chatroom, you know...

Well, the setup is terrible. If I'm being honest (which with the amount of decks like this being shown I'm going to be), the deck is terrible.

I'll give you some tips...you need x3 and x4 of cards in your deck. Seriously. Concentrate on only two types, and it'd be so much better if the deck was Modified-legal (i.e. EX Deoxys onwards).

For the ratios I suggest 20 Energy, 22 Pokémon and 18 Trainers, or thereabouts.

This deck, as it is...I wouldn't give it to a four-year-old, to be quite honest. I'm sorry if that sounds mean but it's true.

I dont have enough cards of two types to make a only two type deck and the rules said no insulting decks!"This deck, as it is...I wouldn't give it to a four-year-old, to be quite honest. I'm sorry if that sounds mean but it's true"
Thats insulting 4 year olds dont even know how to make a good deck so your insulting my deck how you.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
If you haven't got enough cards to make a two-type deck then it'll be almost impossible to make a decent deck. Maybe a three-type deck would be okay, but any more is bad. A no-no.

I'm sorry if you think I'm insulting you or your deck, but it's a bad deck. I've given you what advice I can by suggesting a two-type deck and the ratio of cards you need.

How long have you been playing the Trading Card Game?


diamond master
bout a week
My best friends brother is pokemon collector all of my cards i have doubles of his lol

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
A week? Okay.

Have you bought any actual theme decks or have you just got some of your best friend's brother's doubles?


diamond master
2 things

1 im out of trainer cards i can use in my deck that will work

I bought a pack and a treecko deck thing but lost the cards in em
my other friend has a groudon ex that im trying to get from a trade.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Right, okay. Without a few good theme decks, you won't be able to make a good deck yourself. The only thing is, they are...£7, I think. I have to go now, but - decide on the two types you want in your deck, then get some of the official theme decks (I'd suggest from Holon Phantoms, Crystal Guardians or Dragon Frontiers) that cater for those types.

If you have any questions feel free to send me a PM.


Yea, buy a theme deck. The Crystal Guardians decks sound good, and so do the Dragon frontiers. As your deck is right now, you would have a nightmare trying to find the right energys for your active pokemon.
Why do peeps get so offended on here when they get insulted about their decks? anyway if you get any supporter cards the would go well in there, also desert ruins is good to counter any ex's you face. If you are planning to get any crystal gardians decks then get the venasaur deck for power (its attack is well good) or the blastoise deck for quick battles (its really easy to get the blastoise out. However, be warned that the blastoise deck contains 4 spearows, who's only attack is 'draw a card'