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rate my deoxys

ultimate deoxys

Deoxys master
i have deoxys in FR lv 100, adament nature
hp:304 psychic
ATK:504 Shadow ball
DEF:139 Recover
SP.A:413 psyco boost
any suggestions?


fear the elements!!!
dont double post

deoxis:shadow ball,psycho boost,flamethrower,recover/another attack move


Well-Known Member
deoxys lv 100, adament nature
hp:304 psychic
ATK:504 Shadow ball
DEF:139 Flamethrower
SP.A:413 Ice Beam
any suggestions?

0_o Something's weird with those stats. They are all the max stat if in a Beneficial, Neutral and Hindering Nature...

DeoxysATK is too defenseless to put recover to work, it's more of a sweeper. Also avoid Psycho Boost unless all other attacks are Physical.

If you want a more Physical set, go with this:

Psycho Boost
Brick Break
Shadow Ball
Rock Slide
Scope Lens is in there to help Deoxys get critical hits and Brightpowder so attacks might miss, since Deoxys' defense is weak, Leftovers might not even be used if he gets killed in one hit


^^Pure Genius

You should just use...

@Choice Band
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam


@Petaya Berry
Ice Beam
Fire Punch/Calm Mind

Use Substitute till Petaya Berry activates and then start killing things. Choice Band is better


why? some said i need calm mind and my deoxys is undefeatable

Fight something with Extremespeed and then tell me it’s undefeatable. =\

Calm Mind on Deoxys-FR is one of the worst ideas ever (almost there with Shedinja using Sandstorm).

Deoxys used Calm Mind!
Opponent used an attack!
Deoxys fainted!