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Rate my Dragonite!


<-If only it was red
Here's a dragonite for you to rate:

Dragonite (Brave) + Leftovers

Areial ace
Thunder wave
Dragon dance
Brick break

Plan: Thunder wave to immobilze foe, and then, use Dragon dance, once or twice, until about 1/2 health, then, scince nothing resists both moves (I think), go in, and sweep. Paralyze next poke, ect.

This is for the battle fronteir, and will be mixed and matched with Metagross, Gardy, Heracross, Starmie, and Snorlax, and I think this set will support the other's weaknesses. (For example, if dragonite is KO'ed, but paralyzes foe, my 'Curselax' can come out, use curse at least 1 time, and still be faster)

EV's: Attack: Maxed out
Speed= 200
HP= Rest of them

Don't propse any radical changes, as it has good IV's, but you can suggest items, EV spread, and non-egg moves.

I want it to be a pysical attacker, not special! (Hence dragon dance)


Well-Known Member
Dragonite@ Leftovers
Lonely Nature (+Atk - Def)
EVs: 52 HP/204 Atk/184 Spd/68 SAtk

Dragon Dance
Aerial Ace
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Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
I'd say go for Earthquake over Brick Break for the sheer power, and Thunderbolt over Thunder wave if you want Dragonite to hit things that resist your other two moves (Aerodactyl, Solrock, Lunatone, etc). I guess Thunder might be an option if you really don't want to lose the Paralysis support but still want to hit those pokemon.

btw, I think deleting your first post in those duplicate threads will remove them
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<-If only it was red
3 things:

1: It's not letting me delete those dupilcate threads.

2: I want Dragonite partually for paralys support, hence thunder wave.

3: Nothing is hit by 'not very effective' from both fighting and flying (At least in this gen, the steel/ghosts in D/P change this)


Well-Known Member
thunder wave is fine over thunder if you want. In that case go:

Dragonite@ Leftovers
Adamant Nature (+Atk -Sp Atk)
EVs: 84 HP/252 Atk/174 Spd

Dragon Dance
Aerial Ace
Thunder Wave

Needs less speed because of t wave. also damage>type coverage. Go with earthquake and aerial ace


<-If only it was red
What will I do against Areodactly, ect, when I've lost Starmie then?

In my veiw, it's OK to sacrifice some power for type coverage, if you cover all or most types with it, and can boost your atk as well, but, I'll take it into consideration, and if the set I posted above lacked power, I'll switch sets.


3: Nothing is hit by 'not very effective' from both fighting and flying (At least in this gen, the steel/ghosts in D/P change this)
You don't have Fighting and Flying though, you have GROUND and Flying and quite a few things resist those.

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
3: Nothing is hit by 'not very effective' from both fighting and flying (At least in this gen, the steel/ghosts in D/P change this)
You don't have Fighting and Flying though, you have GROUND and Flying and quite a few things resist those.

His original set had brick break over eq


<-If only it was red
In my origial post, I had Brick break, not EQ, aragornbird, just for reference.

Still, I may swich to EQ, if the fighting/flying combo lacks enough power, however, with DD, I highly doubt it.

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Well, one thing to keep in mind is that a LOT of pokemon in th BF seem to be packing Ice Punch/Beam/Icy Wind (as my poor Flygon found out yesterday..), which Dragonite doesn't like either... so you might not get to DD up nearly as much as you'd like to (i.e. more than once). So relying on DD to make your moves strong enough might not be the best idea.


<-If only it was red
That's why I've got thunder wave, to give me a chance to use Dragon dance.

But, I undesratand that in some cases, type coverage isn't the most important detail, and, as I've said before, if the set I've thought of does not work, I'll replace BB with EQ, but the main reason for BB, besides type coverage, is to hit super-effectively on ice types, which, as mentioned before, dragonite does not like.


Still, I may swich to EQ, if the fighting/flying combo lacks enough power, however, with DD, I highly doubt it.

Fighting/Flying is still resisted by Zapdos. And Brick Break (due to it's low power and no STAB) is not strong enough for Dragonite to sweep, even after a DD.