Lv. 24
Exp. Share
Giga Drain/Ingrain
Pin Missile
Leech Seed
Right now, I'm trying to raise Kotentsu to a Cacturne, so that's why she has Exp. Share. Leech Seed with Toxic lowers any non-grass, poison, or steel's HP while healing Koten. Giga Drain is to increase HP while adding damage, but I'd change that with Ingrain. Pin Missile is for those pesky Psychics, Darks, and Grasses.
Lv. 32
Hyper Cutter
Bubblebeam/Ice Beam
Aerial Ace
I have Bubblebeam up there because that is my main move. Surf is for my HM stash. Once I get enough money, I'll add Ice Beam for Dragons, Flying, and Grass. Aerial Ace for Bugs and Fighters. Vicegrip is there just incase I lose all PP and don't have ethers or Leppas.
Lv. 34
Soothe Bell
Sludge Bomb
Shadow Ball
Steel Wing
I think that this would cover most of Sukai's weaknesses. I'd add Return later. Fly is for HM. Sukai's current Attack stat is at 79, so I'll give some vitamins to him. I am actually afraid to change the moveset.
Lv. 41
Blaze Kick
Double Kick
Quick Attack
For some unknown reason, Boku is my least used pokemon. Peck and Quick Attack is the Just in Case. Maybe I'll add Charcoal. In my mind, Charcoal and any move increasers are not useless.
Lv. 44
Amulet Coin
Tri Attack
Facade/Zap Cannon/Secret Power
Metenen is my fave pokemon. Even though its attack is bad (66), I really like Tri Attack because of its random nature. I really tried to get a Magnemite with Magnet Pull, but for some reason, I never caught one. Amulet Coin is for when I fight Ladies and Rich Boys.
Lv. 33
Soft Sand
Rock Throw
Rock Smash
HM slave. That's what I said. HM slave. Magnitude and Rock Throw are the only attacks I'd use. If I was forced to use Rock Smash, I'd give up.
I'm currently going through Team Magma and Aqua before Mossdeep. That's why I want Cacturne and Crawdaunt. Cacturne's Pin Missile and HP drainer with Crawdaunt's Ice Beam and Surf should cut through Tate and Lisa's team.
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Lv. 24
Exp. Share
Giga Drain/Ingrain
Pin Missile
Leech Seed
Right now, I'm trying to raise Kotentsu to a Cacturne, so that's why she has Exp. Share. Leech Seed with Toxic lowers any non-grass, poison, or steel's HP while healing Koten. Giga Drain is to increase HP while adding damage, but I'd change that with Ingrain. Pin Missile is for those pesky Psychics, Darks, and Grasses.
Lv. 32
Hyper Cutter
Bubblebeam/Ice Beam
Aerial Ace
I have Bubblebeam up there because that is my main move. Surf is for my HM stash. Once I get enough money, I'll add Ice Beam for Dragons, Flying, and Grass. Aerial Ace for Bugs and Fighters. Vicegrip is there just incase I lose all PP and don't have ethers or Leppas.
Lv. 34
Soothe Bell
Sludge Bomb
Shadow Ball
Steel Wing
I think that this would cover most of Sukai's weaknesses. I'd add Return later. Fly is for HM. Sukai's current Attack stat is at 79, so I'll give some vitamins to him. I am actually afraid to change the moveset.
Lv. 41
Blaze Kick
Double Kick
Quick Attack
For some unknown reason, Boku is my least used pokemon. Peck and Quick Attack is the Just in Case. Maybe I'll add Charcoal. In my mind, Charcoal and any move increasers are not useless.
Lv. 44
Amulet Coin
Tri Attack
Facade/Zap Cannon/Secret Power
Metenen is my fave pokemon. Even though its attack is bad (66), I really like Tri Attack because of its random nature. I really tried to get a Magnemite with Magnet Pull, but for some reason, I never caught one. Amulet Coin is for when I fight Ladies and Rich Boys.
Lv. 33
Soft Sand
Rock Throw
Rock Smash
HM slave. That's what I said. HM slave. Magnitude and Rock Throw are the only attacks I'd use. If I was forced to use Rock Smash, I'd give up.
I'm currently going through Team Magma and Aqua before Mossdeep. That's why I want Cacturne and Crawdaunt. Cacturne's Pin Missile and HP drainer with Crawdaunt's Ice Beam and Surf should cut through Tate and Lisa's team.
Please rate...