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Rate my Emerald Team

D'you think my team can beat a water/ice based team?

  • Of Course!

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • nah...

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • never in a million years.

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters
Okay, here's my current team. Please don't try and change the natures of the Legendaries, I can't get another one without going through a lot of work. Also, don't include Some TMs such as Earthquake and Calm Mind Especially because so many Latios's and other Pokemon have a nessesity to know them.

Groudon, Impish, White Herb
Rock Slide, Earthquake, Overheat, Swords Dance

Charizard, Sassy, Salac Berry
Fly, Earthquake, Blast Burn, Swords Dance

Lugia, Quiet, Leftovers
Psychic, Thunderbolt, Surf, Calm Mind

Metagross, Adamant, Choice Band
Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Meteor Mash, Eathquake

Snorlax, Adamant, Leftovers
Brick Break, Shadow Ball, Body Slam, Curse

Latios, Naive, Soul Dew
Dragon Claw, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam

I'm pretty sure that you can figure out how this team works. Anyway, many have said that my team is majorly weak against an Ice and Water type such as Walrein and Lapras, so I added in Snorlax in hopes to beat the Ice and Water types out there. The other members of my team are weak to the same types (Ice, Water, Ghost.) If you have any suggestions for different pokemon, list them and their movesets with items. Thanks.
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Obiwan Shinobi

Never ever use Hyper Beam.

Groudon, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Thunder Wave (orHidden Power [bug] if you can get it) but Oveheats fine. @Leftovers.

Charizard, Belly Drum, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Fire Blast @ Leftovers

Lugia @ Leftoers, Calm Mind / Psychic / Recover / Filler

Get rid of Latias, you already have Latios.

Latios @ Soul Dew
Safegaurd / Recover / Calm Mind / Dragon Claw


Eontios said:
Okay, here's my current team. Please don't try and change the natures of the Legendaries, I can't get another one without going through a lot of work. Also, don't include Some TMs such as Earthquake and Calm Mind Especially because so many Latios's and other Pokemon have a nessesity to know them.

Groudon, Impish, White Herb Leftovers
Rock Slide, Earthquake, Overheat, Swords Dance


Charizard, Sassy, Shell Bell Leftovers
Fly, Flamethrower, Earthquake, Blast Burn

Charizard ain't that great. This set below says why.

Belly Drum
HP Flying
Fire Blast

I dislike that fact that you have to drum, given Charizard's bad HP rating.

Lugia, Quiet, Leftovers
Psychic, Thunderbolt, Surf, Aeroblast

It could be better.

Calm Mind

I like that set.

Metagross, Adamant, Choice Band
Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Meteor Mash, Eathquake

Why bother.

Latias, Gentle, Bright Powder
Thunderbolt, Psychic, Reflect, Calm Mind

Hax items suck. If you don't have Soul Dew, use Leftovers. Try Recover over Reflect.

Latios, Naive, Soul Dew
Dragon Claw, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam

Make room for Safeguard and Recover.
Comments are in bold.

Obiwan Shinobi

Zard learns Swords Dance, if you dont like BD, go with that.

Salac Berry always.


Shinobi said:
Zard learns Swords Dance, if you dont like BD, go with that.
I suppose Swords Dance would be more reasonable InGame. It's not like you absolutely need to max out your Atk. rating to do anything with Charizard until you get competitive.