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rate my emrald team



could you rate my team please!!??

(some times replacing groundon,some times in box) kyogre genderless LV70 left overs
hydro pump water pulse
sheer cold double-edge

(some times replacing kyoger,some times in box) groundon genderless LV70 soft sand
fire blast earthquake
fissure solarbeam

rayquaza genderless LV70 king's rock
fly dragon claw
extremespeed outrage

(traded from colosem) Tyranitar male LV60 amulet coin
crunch thunder
rock slide blizerd

(traded from colosem) Feraligatr male LV60 mystic water
ice beam surf
hydro pump slash

(traded from colosem) suicune genderless LV60 pecha berry
rain dance arora beam
ice beam surf

(some times mostly don't use) (traded from colosem) Raiku genderless LV52 no item
rain dance thunder
dig spark


Lakers for life.
pikachu000 said:
could you rate my team please!!??

(some times replacing groundon,some times in box) kyogre genderless LV70 left overs
-Ice Beam

(some times replacing kyoger,some times in box) groundon genderless LV70 soft sand
-Rock Slide
-Brick Break
-Swords Dance

rayquaza genderless LV70 king's rock
-Ice Beam
-Thunder Bolt
-Dragon Claw

(traded from colosem) Tyranitar male LV60 amulet coin
-Dragon Dance
-ROck Slide

(traded from colosem) Feraligatr male LV60 mystic water
ice beam surf
hydro pump slash

(traded from colosem) suicune genderless LV60 pecha berry
rain dance arora beam
ice beam surf

(some times mostly don't use) (traded from colosem) Raiku genderless LV52 no item
-HP Grass
-Calm Mind
Dont use items that raise your attack by 10%. Try using different pokemon than suicune and feraligatr


pikachu000 said:
could you rate my team please!!??

(some times replacing groundon,some times in box) kyogre genderless LV70 left overs
hydro pump water pulse
sheer cold double-edge

Try what metafreak suggested. That's my Kyogre set.

(some times replacing kyoger,some times in box) groundon genderless LV70 soft sand Leftovers
fire blast earthquake
fissure solarbeam

Again, look for metafreak's suggestion.

rayquaza genderless LV70 king's rock
fly dragon claw
extremespeed outrage

Here's if you're planning to go physical, which it looks like you are.

Dragon Dance
HP Flying
Rock Slide

(traded from colosem) Tyranitar male LV60 amulet coin Leftovers
crunch thunder
rock slide blizerd

Enter DDtar. Metafreak beat me to that too.

(traded from colosem) Feraligatr male LV60 mystic water Leftovers
ice beam surf
hydro pump slash

Swords Dance
HP Flying
Hydro Pump

(traded from colosem) suicune genderless LV60 pecha berry
rain dance arora beam
ice beam surf

Calm Mind
Ice Beam

(some times mostly don't use) (traded from colosem) Raiku genderless LV52 no item
rain dance thunder
dig spark

HP Grass
Calm Mind
Comments are in bold. This team looks exactly like that of yours I just rated...