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rate my friends team



hello this technicly is not really rate, but more like help me beat my friends team. If you can please help me find weaknesses that i can exploit<insert evil laugh here.> im sorry if this is against the rules, but i read them and could not find this in them. i dont know all the moves/levels but ill try.

Flygon lv 50 i think

Dragon claw

His favorite pokemon. Kills my rock and grounds before i can do anything. i never seem to have an ice type when i need one.

Septile Lv 50

Giga drain

His starter. What more can i say? kills water types

Crobat Lv 48 i think

Arieal ace
Bite i think
Steel wing
Mean Look i think

Fast and deadly. Kills Grass fighting bug and rock(steel wing) types with ease

Charizard Lv 57

Blast Burn

Hes powerful, usually use rock to take him down, but he uses flygon to ttake them down.

Gengar Lv 47

Destiny bond
shadow punch
shadow ball

He uses the dirties trick ever with this guy, destiny bond on a powerful guy, then curse= kamakazie.


Future sight

He nicknamed his alakazam Spoonz hehehe
anyhooo this dude ****** me off because routine( future sight, psycic, recover) so annoying. i try and use dark types, and then he switches them out.

there ye go. plz help me beat exploit his team.



Lakers for life.
josh09 said:
hello this technicly is not really rate, but more like help me beat my friends team. If you can please help me find weaknesses that i can exploit<insert evil laugh here.> im sorry if this is against the rules, but i read them and could not find this in them. i dont know all the moves/levels but ill try.

Flygon lv 50 i think@Choice Band

Fire Blast
Rock Slide
Quick Attack

His favorite pokemon. Kills my rock and grounds before i can do anything. i never seem to have an ice type when i need one.dont know how he killed you unless you suck.
Septile Lv 50

Leaf Blade
Leech Seed

His starter. What more can i say? kills water types. never repeat move types his Sceptile suck so F*cken bad it makes yo momma scream in horror

Crobat Lv 48 i think

Arieal ace
Sludge Bomb
Shadow Ball
HP [Fight]

Fast and deadly. Kills Grass fighting bug and rock(steel wing) types with ease
Get an HM slave

Charizard Lv 57

Belly Drum
Aerial Ace
Rock Slide
Fire Blast

Hes powerful, usually use rock to take him down, but he uses flygon to ttake them down.

Gengar Lv 47

ice punch
Focus Punch

He uses the dirties trick ever with this guy, destiny bond on a powerful guy, then curse= kamakazie.


Calm Mind
Ice punch

He nicknamed his alakazam Spoonz hehehe
anyhooo this dude ****** me off because routine( future sight, psycic, recover) so annoying. i try and use dark types, and then he switches them out.

there ye go. plz help me beat exploit his team.

jingle bells B*tch


We can't help you then. This is the RMT section, where you post your team if you need help with it. We don't help you find strategies here. Stop complaining.


Lakers for life.
maybe you can takemy advice and use this team to face your friend. then you find that the team i provided is your friend's team's weakness.EDIT:S:C got ahead of me