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rate my glow first example!

Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
hey this is my first glow:


tips plz :rolleyes:

Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
uhh what? i dont understand u gimme a good glowed example please what u like to say...


Well-Known Member
It's a bit simple to merit a whole thread to itself, but at least it's well done.

Chaotic pink is right, maybe next time use more colours in the glow or make it a colour that fits better with the chosen pokémon.


^^ thats because it is a glow sprite... wow

i would make the glow bigger. its a little bumpy too. try a better color next time. maybe a deep blue or a light pink. black and white is too plain.


Oh noes, toast =O
^^ thats because it is a glow sprite... wow

i would make the glow bigger. its a little bumpy too. try a better color next time. maybe a deep blue or a light pink. black and white is too plain.

But it isn;t really much of a sprite, even a 5 year old can do this with ease, it;s topics like this that generally bring down the morale of the good spriters here.


Pokemon Shaman
It's very simple, and not in a good way. You need more than one color to make a sprite glow. Also, nothing glows white, it may glow grey or silver, but not white.