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Rate my JAA team.


Summon the Ancients
If you don't like ubers, then don't rate this!

;382;@Quick Claw
EV's:177HP, 252SpecialA, 177SpecialD
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Sheer Cold
;150;@Focus Band
EV's:4HP, 252SpecialA, 252Speed
Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
EV's:177HP, 252SA, 177SP
Thunder Bolt
Drill Peck
;230;@King's Rock
EV's:252HP, 252SA, 4SP
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Rain Dance
EV's:4HP, 252SA, 252SP
Ice Beam
;384;@Dragon Fang
EV's:169HP, 170SA, 169SP
Dragon Claw
Thunder Bolt
Ice Beam
Aerial Ace
what do you think?
Okay... for one thing, you over lapped attacks. That means that your Pokemon have 2 or more of the same types of attacks that do damage.

Example: Your Zapdos. It has Thunderbolt AND Thunder. You only need one. Since JAA was a 2v2 battle, and you have 2 Pokemon that make it rain, then... I guess Thunder is fine... but as I said, you only need ONE of those attacks for ONE Pokemon.

Sheer Cold is so inaccurate. For Kyogre, Calm Mind is good because it raises its Sp.Attack and Sp.Defense, making its Sp.Attacks do much more damage.


Natures please? It really helps us to know what is the best moveset.

And this team is walled by Blissey. I'd say to make Mewtwo Physical, but then its awesome Sp. Atk is wasted...no, go for Physical Rayquaza:

Rayquaza@Choice Band/Leftovers
Adamant Nature
Trait: Air Lock
-Aerial Ace
-Rock Slide
-Dragon Dance/Bulk Up/Double-Edge/Extremespeed/Rest



Heh, 12 and under, go figure…

Lol, Rain Dance on Kingdra when you already have Kyogre. Also, Ludicolo > Kingdra. It gets Fake Out, which is a big help.

What’s with the crappy items like Dragon Fang and Magnet? You need Lum Berry somewhere in that team, most likely on Kingdra/Ludicolo since Paralysis will totally cripple it (not to mention Freeze).

No Extremspeed on Rayquaza? You’re lucky little kids don’t know about things like Salac Berry Groudon.


Summon the Ancients
I didn't have that much time to get a team, after losing my original team 1 week before Detroit, still haven't found it yet:( That's my why team has flaws
Anyway, a lot of these comments have to do with Groudon. I taught my Zap thbolt because all of the Groudons around. Thats also why i taught Kingdra Rain Dance. And Extreemspeed is hoorible because with all the pokes with pressure makes it usable 3 times. And only three people in the finals had a Blissey anyway i have aerial ace on Ray and drill peck on Zap to clear it.

top 8 guy

well add an articuno with rest ice beam mind reader and sheer cold @ chesto berry trained in speed and hp for evs :p


I didn't have that much time to get a team, after losing my original team 1 week before Detroit, still haven't found it yet:( That's my why team has flaws
Anyway, a lot of these comments have to do with Groudon. I taught my Zap thbolt because all of the Groudons around. Thats also why i taught Kingdra Rain Dance. And Extreemspeed is hoorible because with all the pokes with pressure makes it usable 3 times. And only three people in the finals had a Blissey anyway i have aerial ace on Ray and drill peck on Zap to clear it.

The heck? You taught T-Bolt to Zapdos to take care of Groudons? If you don't know already, Ground is immune to Electric.... :( And SapphireL is still right, you don't need T-Bolt and Thunder. If you have Rain Dance, stick with Thunder; if not, stick with Thunderbolt. It's really not that hard... :( And all the kids at that tournament must have been even worse. As aragornbird said, Extremespeed is needed to take care of Salac Berry Groudon, who cares how many times you can use it, it's better to do damage than be OHKO'd.... :( And Drill Peck on Zapdos won't do anything to a well-trained Zapdos.


Summon the Ancients
The heck? You taught T-Bolt to Zapdos to take care of Groudons? If you don't know already, Ground is immune to Electric.... :( And SapphireL is still right, you don't need T-Bolt and Thunder. If you have Rain Dance, stick with Thunder; if not, stick with Thunderbolt. It's really not that hard... :( And all the kids at that tournament must have been even worse. As aragornbird said, Extremespeed is needed to take care of Salac Berry Groudon, who cares how many times you can use it, it's better to do damage than be OHKO'd.... :( And Drill Peck on Zapdos won't do anything to a well-trained Zapdos.

are you mental?
I ment to teach it th-bolt cuz when groudon is out thunder has really low accuracy when it is sunny. thats why i taught it that. and people with groudon/shiftryorjumpluff combo, i need drill peck.


You have enough to cover Groudon, so TBolt isn't needed
Zappy may want Detect> Protect in case of Imprison Dusclops

Latios wants Light Screen/Reflect/Calm Mind/Substitute/Dragon Claw over Psychic


so adorable...
If you don't like ubers, then don't rate this!

;382;@Quick Claw
EV's:177HP, 252SpecialA, 177SpecialD
Hydro Pumpsurf
Ice Beam
Sheer Coldcalm mind
;150;@Focus Band
EV's:4HP, 252SpecialA, 252Speed
Ice Beam
Shadow Ballrecover
EV's:177HP, 252SA, 177SP
Thunderthunder wave
Thunder Bolt
Drill Peck
;230;@King's Rock
EV's:252HP, 252SA, 4SP
Hydro Pumpsurf
Ice Beam
Rain Dance
Protectdragon claw
EV's:4HP, 252SA, 252SP
Thunderdragon claw
Ice Beamrecover
Protectcalm mind
;384;@Dragon Fang
EV's:169HP, 170SA, 169SP
Dragon Clawdragon dance
Thunder Boltearthquake
Ice Beamextreme speed
Aerial Acerock slide
what do you think?
suggestions in bold


Kyokudo <33
get this t-bolt doesnt work on groudon!!!!its a ground type and is immune,aragornbird isnt mental you are,so tke their advice its really helpful


Summon the Ancients
get this t-bolt doesnt work on groudon!!!!its a ground type and is immune,aragornbird isnt mental you are,so tke their advice its really helpful
once again, i'm saying that i have th-bolt to uswe not against a Groudon, but when a Groudon is out.
Thunder will have horrible accuracy when it is sunny thats what i'm saying!
sheesh peoplez read:mad: