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Rate my Leafgreen Team


New Member
Ok, I have arranged my best team from FR/LG/R/S/E and I have trained them up to level 100. What do you think? Could you also include a rating out of 10?

Typhlosion ;157;
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Substitute
- Focus punch

Snorlax ;143;
- Belly Drum
- Rest
- Snore
- Body Slam

Lapras ;131;
- Surf
- Ice beam
- rain dance
- Thunder

Tyranitar ;248;
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Hyper beam
- Curse

Venusaur ;003;
- Sunny Day
- Solarbeam
- Sludge bomb
- Synthesis

Gengar ;094;
- Perish Song
- Mean look
- Protect
- Destiny bond


Number ratings are against the rules

Typhlosion ;157;
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Substitute
- Focus punch

Snorlax ;143;
- Sleep Talk/Curse
- Rest
- Shadow Ball/Earthquake
- Body Slam

Lapras ;131;
- Surf
- Ice beam
- Sing
- Thunderbolt

Tyranitar ;248;
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace
- Dragon Dance/Thunder Wave

Venusaur ;003;
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed

- Sludge bomb
- Synthesis

Don't ever use Sunny Day + Solarbeam on Venusaur. That is for Chlorophyllers.

Gengar ;094;
- Perish Song
- Mean look
- Protect
- Destiny bond

Works, but Gengar has better things to do.

-Destiny Bond/Explosion
-Ice Punch/Giga Drain


New Member
I deliberately had belly drum, rest and snore for Snorlax so snore would be super strong when asleep. When I have belly drum and rest finished, Snorlax would be unbeatable. Shadow ball and Earthquake is useless for Snorlax because his attack is low and it isn't his own type bonus.

Sing is crap for Lapras, because accuracy is too low. Whats the point in having thunderbolt when thunder would have 100% accuracy during the rain?

A Tyranitar without CRUNCH is like Bread without butter. I will probably use dragon dance. Thanks for that. Hyper beam can wipe a few pokemon out with a few curses/dragon dances.

What's wrong with Chlorophyllers? It's a technique, like rain dance + Thunder. With synthesis, it works brilliant! The move set you gave me had no grass type, and sleep powder is useless anyway. I use my Gengar for putting pokemon to sleep.

The reason I put Gengar in my team was because of the Mean look + Belly drum technique. A gengar with ice punch, giga drain or thunderbolt is not better than my technique. However, I now know that his special attack is high, so a psychic attack wouldn't go too bad.

comment if you wish. Oh, and i didn't know about the number rating rule. Looks like me and the rules are going to meet again.:confused:
Venusaur does not have Chlorophyll, it has Overgrow instead. Therefore, leech seed, sludge bomb, synthesis and sleep powder is better than using a sunnybeamer. Sludge bomb on Venusaur is more useful than Giga Drain is. Venusaur is as much of a poison type as it is a grass type.

You are better off with a special sweeping gengar imo.

Thunderdancing is good, but imo you are better off with thunderbolt and no rain dance, unless you have swift swim or a Kyogre.

Snorlax has base 110 attack! Is that low? Shadow Ball is usually needed on Snorlax or else you wont be able to beat Duslops, gengar, Bannetter, haunter, etc.


I deliberately had belly drum, rest and snore for Snorlax so snore would be super strong when asleep. When I have belly drum and rest finished, Snorlax would be unbeatable. Shadow ball and Earthquake is useless for Snorlax because his attack is low and it isn't his own type bonus.
Ghosts, Rocks, and Steel types laught at your Snorlax. Laugh, HAHAHAHA, Laugh.

Sing is crap for Lapras, because accuracy is too low.
It's better than having an illegal move on Lapras (Hypnosis)

Whats the point in having thunderbolt when thunder would have 100% accuracy during the rain?
What's the point in wasting one turn doing rain dance when you can hit the enemy twice for more damage than Thunder will ever do?

Thanks for that. Hyper beam can wipe a few pokemon out with a few curses/dragon dances.
And after you kill something, another Pokemon comes out to OHKO with a supereffective attack since you can't switch out after a Hyper Beam.

It's a technique, like rain dance + Thunder. With synthesis, it works brilliant!
Except when a Fire type comes out to KO you because you are so slow. Don't go SunnyBeaming with Venusaur. Use it only on Grass types with Chlorophyll.

The move set you gave me had no grass type, and sleep powder is useless anyway.
Venusaur doesn't need a Grass move. It already has Sludge Bomb. Sleep Powder is more accurate than Hypnosis and is one of the best moves Venusaur can learn.

The reason I put Gengar in my team was because of the Mean look + Belly drum technique.
Mean Look doesn't work after you switch out.

A gengar with ice punch, giga drain or thunderbolt is not better than my technique.
Yes it is.


New Member
calm down. jeesh.

You've been forgetting that everybody switches their pokemon out when a strong pokemon comes up. You said that snorlax won't be good for ghost, rock and steel types. It's not like i'll be keeping Snorlax in front. I'll switch it for a pokemon strong against their type, and perhaps forcing them to change their pokemon.

I don't want a move that puts a pokemon to sleep for Lapras.

Rain dance lasts for 5 TURNS. Thunder x4 is better than thunderbolt x5. Plus, if the opposing pokemon faints, you have the thunder advantage against that pokemon.

I'm not stupid enough to use hyper beam until I know that the water/steel/ground/fighting/bug/grass types have been eliminated.

For Venusaur, I will use sunny day and am now able to use solar beam or regain health from Synthesis 4 times. If a fire type comes up, I can easily switch to Typhlosion or Tyranitar.

Grass is very usefull against water, ground and rock. If I just have a poison type, it would be good against grass only, and be bad against poison, ground, rock, ghost and steel. And I have Flamethrower for Typhlosion and Ice beam for Lapras to hit grass types anyway.

When using perish song (not belly drum, my mistake) and mean look, I won't switch out Gengar until the very last turn. I also have protect to prevent me getting hit through 1 or maybe 2 turns.

You have a different tactic for Gengar, and so do I. You use special attack to your advantage, while I max out speed EV's and use perish song + Mean look + protect.


Well your team is much better than mine Josh_da1.

Typhlosion: Typhlosion is great. I like the substitute and focus punch combination. It's great with flamethrower and earthquake.

Snorlax: Belly drum, rest and snore DOES WORK. I also use that for my team. It works very well. I destroyed my friend with it. Did you max out it's defense and HP EV's and give it quick claw? You could perhaps teach it return instead of body slam, but only if you don't trade it too much.

Lapras: Lapras is also good. rain dance and thunder is better than thunderbolt, mainly because you can destroy a different pokemon after your opposing pokemon faints. Your Lapras cannot do X0.5 damage to ANY pokemon!

Tyranitar: After a few curses, hyper beam and rock slide will be brilliant, plus you have better defense. Dragon dance is good for speed, but i believe defense is more important.

Venusaur: Ok, one thing clear. Sunny day + solar beam and synthesis is brilliant, if you have the right types with you to switch out with supportive moves (which Josh_da1 has). I have it too. I find it unstoppable. Leech seed is a waste of a move and saps hardly anything, and would take around 10-15 moves to give it a decent amount of health. Isn't leftovers enough? Sleep powder isn't too bad, but it would waste one of Venusaurs brilliant moves.

Gengar: You said that the other guy's tachnique wasn't better. I found yours a hell of a lot better. nuff said (well, my hands are worn out from typing so forget my long explanation).

Josh_da1, Your team is good. Don't listen to what anybody else says. I think that perhaps you could give Gengar psychic instead of hypnosis. You need a psychic move on your team.


Don't listen to Trebor please. It's obvious he's not an expert battler (no offense to Trebor).

calm down. jeesh.
I'm only giving constructive criticism. I'm always calm.

You've been forgetting that everybody switches their pokemon out when a strong pokemon comes up.
No I didn't. But switching only goes so far. The best Pokemon are Pokemon that can handle things they are weak against WITHOUT switching. That means a Snorlax with Shadow Ball for Ghosts or Earthquake for Steels/Rocks. Really, you may think Belly Drum is the best strategy for Snorlax, but you've never been in the midst of heated competitive battle where risky moves like Belly Drum could spell disaster for your entire team.

I don't want a move that puts a pokemon to sleep for Lapras.
Sorry, I mistook your Lapras for someone else's Lapras.

Rain dance lasts for 5 TURNS. Thunder x4 is better than thunderbolt x5. Plus, if the opposing pokemon faints, you have the thunder advantage against that pokemon.
You won't be using Thunder all the time, not everything is weak against it. Also, having a Sunny Dayer, a Rain Dancer, AND a Sandstream Pokemon on the same team will really screw you over.

I'm not stupid enough to use hyper beam until I know that the water/steel/ground/fighting/bug/grass types have been eliminated.
Even after that, you'll still fall prey to status during your recharge. Just don't use Hyper Beam...EVER. Especially on Tyranitar who can learn so many better attacks.

For Venusaur, I will use sunny day and am now able to use solar beam or regain health from Synthesis 4 times. If a fire type comes up, I can easily switch to Typhlosion or Tyranitar.
Or things like Aerodactyl which have Earthquake and Aerial Ace to take out all three Pokemon.

Grass is very usefull against water, ground and rock. If I just have a poison type, it would be good against grass only, and be bad against poison, ground, rock, ghost and steel.
Venusaur has Leech Seed and Sleep Powder. It can beat all of them without a Grass move. Also, like Shuckle Man said
Therefore, leech seed, sludge bomb, synthesis and sleep powder is better than using a sunnybeamer. Sludge bomb on Venusaur is more useful than Giga Drain is. Venusaur is as much of a poison type as it is a grass type.

When using perish song (not belly drum, my mistake) and mean look, I won't switch out Gengar until the very last turn. I also have protect to prevent me getting hit through 1 or maybe 2 turns.
Of course, everyone knows that. It's PerishTrapping, a strategy that has existed ever since GSC came out.

You have a different tactic for Gengar, and so do I. You use special attack to your advantage, while I max out speed EV's and use perish song + Mean look + protect.
Sweeping is way better in-game than wasting time with PerishTrapping. Especially when the enemy can KO you during the turns you use Mean Look or Perish Song.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Not again.....

Addressed to any deity out there: please spare us from the self important views of newcomers who always think they're right.

Typhlosion@Petaya Berry
Modest Nature
- Flamethrower
- Sunny Day
- Substitute
- T-Punch / HP [Grass]

Now this, works so much better. Flamethrower + STAB + Sunny Day + Blaze + Petaya Berry = pwnage. T-Punch / HP [Grass] counter waters and types resistant to Fire attacks.

Careful Nature
- Curse
- Return
- Shadow Ball / Earthquake
- Rest

Curselax. Learn to love and hate it at the same time. This guy sponges attacks so well that it makes a lot of things cry. Shadow Ball hits ghosts, while Earthquake hits rock and steel types. EQ is the better choice ingame.

Modest Nature
- T-Bolt
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Rest

You didn't want a Lapras with Sing, so here it is. Lapras deserves better than Thunderdancing. Rest helps it survive longer.

Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Taunt / Substitute / T-Wave / Aerial Ace

A sweeping T-Tar without EQ is like a weapon without ammo. It learns it naturally, you have no excuses for not using it. DDtar is a monster when played right. Taunt, Sub and T-Wave stop any attempts by the foe to status DDtar or stat up themselves while it Dragon Dances. Aerial Ace is for Heracross and Breloom.

Sassy Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed
- Magical Leaf / Razor Leaf
- Sludge Bomb

I just like grass moves on Venusaur, since his Spec. Atk's above average. Dual STAB and Overgrow's pretty sweet, but that's not the point. Leech Seed and Sleep Powder are a must on Venusaur. Or there's a physical attacking set for Venusaur if you want it.

Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Sludge Bomb
- Sleep Powder / HP [Ghost]

Simple: SD up, Earthquake or Sludge Bomb away. If a ghost shows up put it to sleep and switch to something that can handle it. Or just hit it hard with HP [Ghost] if you're lucky enough to have it.

Gengar@lefties / Lum Berry
Timid Nature
- Will-o-Wisp
- T-Bolt
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch

Specialgar. If you want STAB on Gengar try out CBgar.

Gengar@Choice Band
Adamant Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Ball
- Explosion
- Focus Punch / T-Bolt

Last but not least, McGar / McIceGar.

Gengar@lefties / Lum Berry
Lonely Nature
- T-Bolt
- Shadow Ball / Ice Punch
- Sub / Hypnosis
- Focus Punch

If it's got Shadow Ball, it's McGar. If it's got Ice Punch, it's McIceGar. Hypnosis works better ingame than Substitute, but the special set works better ingame.

Gengar's built to attack, not Perishtrapping. He has better things to do besides Perishtrapping.