slaking @ leftovers
Nature: Lonely (+attk, -def)
focus punch
body slam
shadow ball
ninjask @ focus band
Nature: Jolly (+spd, -spatk)
swords dance
double team
baton pass
silver wind
clefable @ wiki berry, mago berry
Nature: Bold (+def, -atk) Calm (+spdef,-atk)
metronome/thunder wave
skill swap
follow me
alakazam @ leppa berry
Nature: modest (+spatk,-atk)
role play
calm mind
recover/HP fire
skarmory @ chesto berry/leftovers
ability: keen eye
Nature: impish, careful
drill peck/steel wing
milotic @ leftovers
Nature: calm (+ spdef,-atk) bold (+def,-atk)
attract/ice beam
meganium @ leftovers
Nature: +def,+spdef, -spd,-attk (haven't decided yet)
leech seed
magical leaf
you may notice this team consisting of 7 pokemon, but it is used for double battles and i haven't decided which pokemon not to use yet.
alakazam is a pokemon i already have and i am not planning to forget him.
the main strategy is to sent out clefable and ninjask, while clefable is using follow me, ninjask is able to use double team, then swords dance while his speed is raised according to its nature, then switch to slaking and do some major damage. also, clefable is able to use skill swap on slaking. the problem with alakazam's role play/hp-fire is that role play could help out alot for using milotic's marvel scale while being poisoned (he is also very likely to be paralyzed, since he is a special sweeper) and doubling his defense.
thanks for rating in advance!
Nature: Lonely (+attk, -def)
focus punch
body slam
shadow ball
ninjask @ focus band
Nature: Jolly (+spd, -spatk)
swords dance
double team
baton pass
silver wind
clefable @ wiki berry, mago berry
Nature: Bold (+def, -atk) Calm (+spdef,-atk)
metronome/thunder wave
skill swap
follow me
alakazam @ leppa berry
Nature: modest (+spatk,-atk)
role play
calm mind
recover/HP fire
skarmory @ chesto berry/leftovers
ability: keen eye
Nature: impish, careful
drill peck/steel wing
milotic @ leftovers
Nature: calm (+ spdef,-atk) bold (+def,-atk)
attract/ice beam
meganium @ leftovers
Nature: +def,+spdef, -spd,-attk (haven't decided yet)
leech seed
magical leaf
you may notice this team consisting of 7 pokemon, but it is used for double battles and i haven't decided which pokemon not to use yet.
alakazam is a pokemon i already have and i am not planning to forget him.
the main strategy is to sent out clefable and ninjask, while clefable is using follow me, ninjask is able to use double team, then swords dance while his speed is raised according to its nature, then switch to slaking and do some major damage. also, clefable is able to use skill swap on slaking. the problem with alakazam's role play/hp-fire is that role play could help out alot for using milotic's marvel scale while being poisoned (he is also very likely to be paralyzed, since he is a special sweeper) and doubling his defense.
thanks for rating in advance!