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Rate My Mantyke


Johto Champion
(what item should i use?)
252 evs in sp attack and sp defence 6 in HP/speed

Mirror Move
Signal Beam
Ice Beam
why is it still a mantyke? ...It's just so easy to evolve.....good moveset, just confuse ray may be better over Mirror move...


on my tummy
id give it earthquake for his quadruple electric weakness, but probably after it evolves, and ice beam cuz i really like it, and its effective against ground types with rock type moves, as are rock types, therefore the surf.

so, here is the best (according to me) moveset

mantine (plz evolve, and soon)
-ice beam
-i gave him aerial ace, but thats up to you

i know is attack is crap, but i dont really use it anyways...

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
id give it earthquake for his quadruple electric weakness, but probably after it evolves, and ice beam cuz i really like it, and its effective against ground types with rock type moves, as are rock types, therefore the surf.

so, here is the best (according to me) moveset

mantine (plz evolve, and soon)
-ice beam
-i gave him aerial ace, but thats up to you

i know is attack is crap, but i dont really use it anyways...

Good luck trying to take out Electric types with a craptacular 40 Attack Stat.

Mantyke and Mantine are possibly the worst water Pokemon right next to Luvdisc. You're better off with something like Floatzel or Gyarados...
Sad, but true. If only there was an Earth Power TM. For a good Special water, that covers the same types as Mantine, use Kingdra.