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Rate my Mew... from toys r us


ello there!
well, i got these mews' nature.... rash, hasty, gentle.

well, heres the moveset im planning:

nature: im thinking hasty.....
explosion/recover/ calm mind
calm mind/recover/ explosion
thunderbolt/ psychic
icebeam/ psychic
evs: 52 hp/252 spd/ 100 special atk/ atk

i dont normally do movesets for ubers except for lati@s so iam asking 4 ur help and opinion. thx.


Shadow Amongst Light
Mew@ Salac Berry
-Shadow Ball/Psychic

About the only thing i can think of for a +speed, -defense nature
I dunno any for the others rather than the usual movesets.

Edit: Shadow Ball would probably be better so that you could just ev train in attack rather than splitting attack/special attsck
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DarkSpecturm, Mew is not Smeargle. It can’t learn every move like Flail and Reversal.

Yazzel, those moves look like you just took a bunch of special attacks and slapped them on randomly.

Use your Rash Mew please.

Mew @Leftovers
Rash nature
-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind